Bob , did you see my post backwards in this ... That scene looks exactly ,,. like the previous find and is not differant or crude ... with that said .. it's done by the same one who did Hansels plow .
Are you Crazy ? You didn't see the original listing from Czeck ? Where have you been hiding . If your forum cost me on the resale of this I will definatly have my lawyer sur all of you and especially the moderators .
And just what makes you think that these were done with stencils by the same person ? Take a lesson honey , they were not all done by the same hand with stencils .
My god .. another jackass steps up and runs off at the mouth without any brains loaded ...Your so far off and jealous .. You are nobody and never will be shut your mouth broad and maybe i won't come over for a visit..women !!!!
This is NOT the place to have opinions given by any moby dick who wants a say in what people should think about a marble and thus destry a valuable marble's history .
Do you know what i would do to you if i was a company and you were running down my product wouldn't be pretty .