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Everything posted by CallBob

  1. Robert ... When i bought this , i saw the tan color and now that it's here i can see clearly that it is in representation of soil in the scenes for the plowing of earth , the base soil for the tree and the asian soil for the farmer . It's not ALL over it .
  2. Did you notice that it's a 2 1/32 " marble ? The same waves are on all recorded scenics of this matter and done by the same hand . The leaves are consistent .. read Baumann page 36 in 4th edition . It's NOT a chinese style hat .. investigate hats to find out . It's NOT a chinaman .
  3. Well of course you'd say it's Czech Republic ... it say's so in the lot .
  4. I'm simply Marbleous !

  5. OH... Nevermind !

  6. I have found that art restorers of water colors use Bread balls made from the inside's of really soft type breads ( I'd suggest not seeded ! )
  7. No , No , No....no water on a water color marble !
  8. Hi : While Bob Block was visiting my room at the marlborough (i can't spell marlboro) Show by ( my cuz ) Bert Cohen ...he overheard me calling some of my new 7/8 " finds as " Parrot " marbles and asked me why i was calling them that . I told him that the reds,greens,yellows and blend of colors reminded me of exotic parrots i have seen in books and on tv .That was it ..from then on Bob started describing them as Parrots ......But i see that certain marble collectors have taken things out of control with what a parrot actually looks like ! Bob Callahan
  9. I've never seen them in our stores , but , maybe I was blind to them , gonna look next time . Thank You Bobby
  10. I think this may be a good topic to start as new , what did the germans use to " paint " the chinas with ? I don't think that Carskadden mentions this in the book .
  11. Did you try this with any unglazed chinas , or just glazed and glass ? Bobby
  12. I'd really like to enhance my unglazed marbles by removing some of the crud accumulation from them but have not found a safe technique to attempt this . Has anyone discovered a way to do this ?
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