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Posts posted by metalshelf

  1. The larger one appears to be Amber and the smaller one amethyst. I have a Mica currently listed for sale on eBay #181982533889 and I have described the color as either Pink or Amethyst. It is much lighter than yours and it has a pinkish tinge. Some might say it is Pink with either an amethyst or lavender tinge. I believe most Pink Micas are actually a very light amethyst. I have never seen a Mica that I would consider a true Pink like you would find in a Pink Opaque or Melonball marble, but, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. The difference between Pink and Light Amethyst with a Pink Tinge would be in the eyes of the beholder. Nonetheless, amethyst in a Mica marble is an uncommon color and a nice find.

  2. Hi: I'm quite certain the one on the left is a German Striped Transparent, however, not 100% certain for the other 2. Appreciate your help with positive identification. Can only post one of these pictures at a time. All 3 are 2 seam marbles. Will follow up with picture of opposite seams. Thanks and have a great weekend, Bob.


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