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Posts posted by metalshelf

  1. Hi: I agree with Ann and for all of her reasons. It's a very nice Joseph's Coat with Lutz. As a reference, you can go to Stanley Block's Hard Cover Book entitled "Antique Glass End-Of-Day Marbles" published in 2002. He has a section "Joseph's Coat with Lutz" starting on page 116 and running through page 120. Lots of nice pictures, including some 4 Panel Joseph's Coat Lutzes. I've also sold several, similar to yours, over the years at U.S. Marble Shows. Enjoy. Bob

  2. Hi: Just purchased 190 of these type marbles at a Canadian auction. I am quite certain that they are Jabos, however, need help identifying the run and possible year they were made. Any help at all will be much appreciated. I am submitting 8 pictures in lots of 2 mables each. Thanks in advance, Bob.



  3. Hi: I'll try to get a better picture of both marbles and post them. Both are definitely clay or some type of ceramic. The brown, in blue and brown mottled type design, appears to have been applied with a sponge, however, the greyish blue randomly applied lines have been put on with a brush. Marble has a clear glaze. It measures 27/32" in diameter and weighs 0.435 ounces. The snowflake obsidian type design ( great comparison Ann ) is also a clay or ceramic type with a clear glaze. The brown lines appear to be in the clay like a crockery marble. The irregular and randomly applied black splotches may have been applied to the surface with a tiny piece of sponge or other instrument. I say clay also because there are a couple of very small flakes where the surface is exposed under the glaze and paint. Measures 25/32" in diameter and weighs 0.400 ounce. Stone would be much heavier as well. Bob

  4. Hi: Acquired these 5 Clay Marbles as part of a recent purchase of a small marble collection and not entirely sure of what they are called. The purple and green are 15/16" in diameter and look like Dyed Clays, but, have eyes like Benningtons ?? The one with the purple lines also looks like a Dyed Clay with the random lines added ?? It also measures 15/16". The next 2 I've never seen before. One has a white base with light brown splotches and a random thick greyish blue linear pattern. It measures 27/32". The last one also has a white base with some thin light brown lines and all over black splotches. It measures 25/32". The latter 2 are highly glazed. All are Mint. Any help with the proper I.D. will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bob (Metalshelf)




  5. Hi: I am unable to properly identify this marble. Any assistance that can be offered will be much appreciated. Marble measures slightly more than 7/8" in diameter. Patch and ribbons are a translucent yellow with wispy white in a transparent clear glass base. Very hard to photograph and get clear images without backlighting. 6 pictures in total. 3 natural lighting and 3 backlit.



  6. Hi Ann: In hand, interior glass is clear transparent with a ghost type core and many,tiny, tiny air bubbles, and, as a result, interior of marble sparkles/lights up when backlit. Surrounding the core, and, just under the surface are the 2 visible bands and numerous thin cobalt blue translucent type ribbons/strands of varying thin widths, and, they run from pole to pole. They create a dark blue "veil" like wrap around the core. The "veil" is not clearly visible unless marble is held up to a light or it is backlit. Also, marble may not be "cased", however, it has an uneven thickness of very clear ( no air bubbles ) glass surrounding the entire marble and that is why it appears to have a shrunken core. Hopefully this helps with identification. Bob.

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