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Everything posted by wediscount2

  1. Talked to Brian E. this morning and the Green glass Guinea came up. Brian said he understood why some would feel the marble was other than a Christensen (myself included) as the photo's were not that good. Brian said new photo's were being taken and they would be posted. Brian said the rating would be lowered to a 9.3 as initially he missed a little imperfection on the marble. He also said all the colors were spot on for a Christensen and he had no doubt whatsoever that it was anything other than a true rare green glass Christensen Agate Guinea. Now if Brian says it's a Christensen Agate Guinea, then that's what it is. Ronnie
  2. Went in and read a couple of reviews and then checked it out on ebay. Quite a camera as it has held it's value. It brings on ebay almost the original introduction price. For sure I will be keeping an eye out for one. Ronnie
  3. Nice pictures and marble. What camera are you using. Ronnie
  4. Don't quite get it where is the guinea at in that marble?? Ronnie
  5. It is absolutely a Brian Graham or a Scott Patrick marble, no doubt in my mind whatsoever about that. Their marbles are easy to tell as they always have a glossy white membrane looking sheen to the surface, are void of nice subtle ridges, and have very few if any outgas craters, and they also do not have a nice orange peel surface as almost ALL VINTAGE MARBLES HAVE. Ronnie
  6. Gee Hansel I thought by gones were by gones. If anything you should have thanked me for the lesson you learned, and how many fake medals and fake marbles have you contributed your "INPUT" into lately?!!! LOL,LOL You need to clean up your own act before you try and clean up mine. But everything's all right, I still like you. Ronnie
  7. Nothing directed personally towards you Galen, it was directed at those who fell for this seller. Ronnie
  8. That's some real nice artwork!! Ronnie
  9. What's your excuse for buying all the one's you bought, LOL!!!!! Ronnie
  10. Good Lord Galen what a piece of crap!!! This valkilmer seller sure socks it off in those poor dumb novice bidders, or else he's bidding on his own crap. You would have to be a real retard to not see thru his BS. Ronnie
  11. Sorry to hear about your friend Lloyd and I know the Huffers will miss him. As you said he's in a better place and has no pain. Ronnie
  12. Nice Marble and it sure looks like a early Scott Patrick piece of work to me and that's a good thing, not a bad thing. Ronnie
  13. You Can't Make A Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear, But you sure can make a purrrrdy Marble! Oh well we tried. Ronnie
  14. Yes that is my Pelts and I thought my Scott Patrick marbles would go for a little more than they did. That 1 that sold for $15.50 was a real work of art. Super marble I just started it to low. My fault. Ronnie
  15. I would say it is a California Sulphide. Ronnie
  16. Thanks to MC Marbles, Bob Block and Duffy for responding to my question. Ronnie
  17. Small marbles supposedly from Peltier. .580 and .590 thousandths. Ronnie
  18. Thanks Ric and a great Christmas to you as well. Ronnie
  19. One of Santa's little helpers dropped this in my mail box yesterday afternoon. I bought it online thinking it was a divided core and still thought that until I got about half way through taking all the crap off the surface. Yeah Santa stuffed a nice 1 and 11/16ths. inch plus Double Ribbon in my mailbox and brightened up my Christmas. Ronnie
  20. A friend gave me this 1-5/8ths. inch marble. I knew it could not be restored, but I also knew it had a area that would allow it to be displayed. The marble still has 4 internal cracks, and surface wise it had big deep external craters and a hundred or so hit marks. The reason I worked on this marble was it had a real nice inner core and when it was made, the bottom pontil was pulled and twisted into 5 corkscrews. These corks are seperated by about the thickness of a business card. The marble does display well and I'll just add it to the collection. Ronnie
  21. Looks like it is in need of a good marble restorer such as myself, LOL,LOL,LOL Ronnie wediscount2
  22. Sad day, very tragic, pray the families find some peace with this unexplaneable event.
  23. Just A Nice Pair Of Salvaged Marbles.
  24. Hello, unfortunately a lot of that is going on, some of it may be due to inexperience but a lot of it is done for pure greed. Best advice I can give you would be for anyone wanting to understand OxBlood and Bricks go to marble Alans old site (which is still active) and pull up his photos and study them. Good luck. Ronnie
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