While, I am no marble expert and have made (continue to make) my share of marble mistakes over the years, I also feel very strongly that the CAC 'exotics' are fakes. There is simply too much circumstantial evidence or indications that they are not legitimate to consider them anything else but very good, possibly excellent fakes.
We have heard several to more than a handful of different stories about their origins or entrance onto the scene. My biggest question is, can you show us cullet with similar coloration and patterning? Of 'digs', there should be 'exotics' in varying condition, I think. We have not seen any to date. Onlu perfect ones exist? That's very odd indeed. Also, where are the ones of lesser condition? Do any exist? They should as well unless of course for some reason CAC 'exotics' defy 'dig' traits. It seems to me some have manufactured stories consistent with explaining away these questions. The facts do not fit the conditions as they now exist.
Don's comments as to what we have seen and been told at some shows is 100% correct. Even those who sell them in mass have doubts. That tells me a lot.
I agree with Don, Mary Mary and others who see them as bogus yet beautiful.