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Everything posted by greenvwbug

  1. Hi gjbkrb. Yes,PayPal,just p.m. Me..thanks
  2. Duffy..I have what I call matching,meaning they look exactly alike,this lot of 3 have same coloring but are not a match to one another,you can look up in general topic forum thread about "are these from the same run" that should explain it further Lou..thanks..too funny..hope they do well for your forum
  3. Hi Aleecee..lots 1-6 are for one marble $25 Lots 7-12 lots are 2 marbles per lot at $50 per lot Okay..written down..just p.m. Me..thanks Thanks for pointing that out,fixed it in first post,can see where that might be confusing
  4. Up for auction- lot of 3 sparklers,mint and shiny,2 @ 21/32, one @ 5/8 this auction will run till Friday at 7:00 p.m. E.S.T.,again only one lot per active member including the other 12 lots proceeds from this lot to benefit this site Winner only- p.m. Me for details starting bid $50 Please be patient PayPal preferred
  5. 12 lots of Sparklers ( all mint and shiny) Lots 1-6 $25 each and $2.50 shipping (1 marble) Lots 7-12 $50. Each lot and $2.50 shipping(2 marbles) To make it fair as possible limit one lot per active member including the auction lot.Please specify in reply the lot number so others can see what is available PayPal preferred. U.s. Shipping only Ending this Friday at 7:00 p.m. E.S.T. Winners only- private message me for details Please be patient
  6. Steph..that's why I put them up here,might be nice for the forum Thanks Galen
  7. Hopefully a little better pictures,here's a sample of " matching" that I am finding,they are in rows,top to bottom
  8. Found the trick,just post a couple per post Thanks mon..just one small correction..she not he..lol
  9. Well almost done sorting..I like them both ways "matching" and random..just a couple of crappy pics from my I pad,even though I resized they won't upload..I will take better ones later
  10. I understand what people are saying about the manufacturing process but there is a little something in the back of my head that says..wow..what are the odds that I would find so many "matching" ones,obviously I dot know how this person acquired all these marbles to begin with,would be nice to know..not going to happen..I am almost done "matching" them..I will post some pics when I do so you can see Thanks all for your imput..very interesting
  11. Yes,thanks..pleasantly surprised.will add a few more to get a better idea on prices
  12. Alan..sorry didn't mean to skip over your response..I appreciate your knowledge..that was my understanding but where I am finding so many that "match" I had to ask Zaboo. ..thanks and no I haven't,don't have a black light..but maybe should get one Wvrons..thanks..that's the info I was looking for..I am not putting them up as same runs..lots of valid points..I don't think I even say matching,though I might have on one listing..I am just putting them up as sets..so maybe I just am lucky with such a large quantity to be able to find ones that seem to go together? Thank you all..I appreciate all your knowledge and willingness to offer it here
  13. Thanks..It is most definitely slowing me down
  14. Thank you Greg,this is where I am stuck..if I place them in a certain order I can see a definite pattern,the first 3 pics there are 72 that are very similar in colors. But they start to vary in thickness of color but all the colors are there..so that is why I question this,and there are a couple more batches ,different colors but same idea as the first 3 pics
  15. Nthank you Steph for the response,yes I am wondering too,there are so many that are very close with just a little difference,colors appear to be the same but with slight changes.that is why I put that in quotation marks as I have read about that too.I am thinking he bought quite a few at one time as the surfaces are very shiny and too many that do match to a degree Thank you for fixing my private message option...the option is there now..you guys are great
  16. How do you tell if the marbles are from the "same run",subtle differences but the colors are all similar..I realize the first and last will be different but do you go by colors or what,any help would be appreciated,stuck here,first three pics all very similar ,last two are separate ones..thanks ahead of time for any imput
  17. Oh boy..?.lol..thanks for the link
  18. Yes,I clicked that link and said I do not have permission to private message..well at least that explains why I can't find the option..thanks all for your help
  19. Thanks,just tried that,it just takes me to your profile..?
  20. Steph..I am having a heck of a time finding this option,when I click the triangle I get a drop down menu that shows you profile,contacts,settings,etc but no option for messages.When I go to my profile there is no send me a message button.I am on an I pad.there is a square to the left of my name up top but that just shows notifications.Do I have to go to my profile setting and add something there where there is a section for contact method?it is blank.. If you could help I would appreciate it..I am not very good with this obviously
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