Hi..to answer some questions,the doctor died,they were selling off his possessions,this what was left besides a box of agates,the lady said they sold boxes of marbles,asked if she had any more boxes..no she said,another guy was trying to buy this batch,but fortunately I had cash,she said cash wins,so we paid and left.So I am liking these witty ideas to sell..you guys have a good sense of humor.
I have just finished unwrapping them,trying to sort them..taking a break,tough on the eyes..I would have to say the majority are mint at this point,subject to magnification.I have taken a few random pictures,sorting is being done in the basement,away from grand child's little fingers,so not the best quality pics,I will try to put them up,but still have a long way to go yet,apparently I did not resize all the photos,sorry been a long time since I have done this..thanks for your patience