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Everything posted by Granycamp

  1. Just wanted to share some pics but size restricts me from doing so. This year's Indiana Marble Club Show was held in Fort Wayne, In. Show and In-room Trading were both quite busy this year with lots of walk-ins and a lot of new faces. Thank you to Kim Winningham and Mike Adams for another fabulous show. Our next show will be the first or second week of January 2019 in Indy at the Pyramids. I encourage you all to attend. Thank you, Grant
  2. Just an FYI to all the great marble people here on MC. Our Indiana Marble Club Fall Show 2018 is less then a month away. It's a great show every year and I hope a lot of you can attend this year. Thank you so much!!



  3. Just a couple sweet MKs. Thank you, Grant
  4. Marble King for the purple one. I've found lots of these in dug MKs from one of the Paden City dump sites. Thank you, Grant
  5. Hi Mel. Hope you guys are doing great! Grant
  6. Here's a Marble King that is comparable to yours Bill. Hope this helps. Grant
  7. Peltier Glass Company 'Green Fizz"
  8. I'd have to say a Marble King Rainbow that has swirled or double-ingot. Just my thoughts Bill. Thank you, Grant
  9. I've not been active here so I figured I had better start. Here are some highlight photos from this years 2017 Indiana Marble Club show. I'm sure some of you will see some familiar faces in there. Overall, it was one of our best shows to date. Thank you to everyone who attended and it was great to meet a lot of you there. Can't wait for the next show! Thank you, Grant
  10. Just wanted to post. Thank you, Grant Indiana Marble Club Fall Show 2016.docx
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