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Geordies Liggies

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About Geordies Liggies

  • Birthday 07/05/1962

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  1. Thanks sclsu, I'm afraid that I don't have access to a copy of Marble Mania. I will try to correct that asap, and checout the pics. In the meantime, any other members who do have access to Marble Mania: what's your view, are there similarities? Thanks again sclsu, I really appreciate your help on this, Steve
  2. Hi Chris, Welcome to the group. I'm sure that you'll find the members a knowlegable and helpful bunch. I know that I have. Steve
  3. Hi Hoody, Many thanks for your efforts on my behalf. It is greatly appreciated. 😁 I doubt that we will ever know for sure, unless something similar turns up infuture. Danke schon, Steve
  4. Hi Hoody and Sissydear, Many thanks for your replies. The probable reason that Germany was favoured by those few who replied to my request, is likley to be down to the fact that the antique dealer was from Bad Lobenstein, in Germany. The dealer described the marbles as 'old' and 'original'. In an e-mail he told me that they had come from the German equivalent of an estate sale. Also, that they were 'found between floorboards' (always the sort of comment which makes me doubtful). Both marbles do have pontils. The latticino marble is 35mm diameter, and appears to have 1 melted pontil and 1 ground pontil. Both are small. The marble is reasonably spherical, but has one obviously flattened area (which does not coincide with either pontil). Pictures showung pontils are below: This second marble is 33mm diameter. It has 1 ground pontil, which has not quite flattened the raised point at which it was cut from the cane. I cannot see a pontil at the other end, though I can feel a slight irregularity to the touch. Both marbles are a lot less perfect than any contemporary American Marbles which I have, and I cannot see ant signature, using a 10x loupe. My eyes aren't great, I'll ask my wife or daughters to get a second opinion. All and any opinions valued. Steve
  5. I recently purchased a couple of marbles from an antiques dealer on e-bay. I posted these recently on the Marble ID form and got a small number of replies. The consensus of opinion was that they may be contemporary German marbles. I was wondering whether any of our German members might recognize the (quite striking) style, and be able to identify the maker. All suggestions welcome (not just from German members!). Danke schon, Steve
  6. Thanks Winnie, that's a beaty, with just about 360 degree coverage. I'm afraid that neither of my Indians are particularly attractive, nor in mint condition. In fact, they look better in the dark with the torch on! Still, they fill a space in my collection until something better comes along. Steve
  7. Cheers Steph, I'll do just that. Steve
  8. Before this post disappears into the annals of time, could I take one last opportunity to ask any German members whether they are aware of any contemporary marble makers in Germany, who produce work that resembles this marble. Danke schon Steve
  9. Thanks Anne, that's very gratifying to hear. I guess, to a great extent, how pale the base glass looks depends on how bright the torch is, but under a strong light both blue and green bases (particularly the green) are very pale. If you can view my gallery, it will give youa better idea of the colours. Failing that, I will pop onto the PC tomorrow and try attaching them to this thread. (The cats are asleep, for the night, in the study and I don't want to wake them 😁) Steve
  10. Sorry, cannot locate 'My media' on my phone. Will try PC tomorrow. May need Steph's assistance.
  11. From what I have read, the most common colour for the base glass in Indian maglites is dark red or dark amethyst. I only have a couple of Indian's in my collection, one of which has a dark blue base and one a dark green. Can anyone give me an idea how common this is? The marbles are pictured in my gallery (named misc), sitting on a strong torch to give an idea of the colours. The colour fidelity of the camera isn't exact, with the gree base glass looking more like an icy blue. I'll attach them onto this post once I remember how. 😞 Steve
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