It seems that these bags have served to provide a wee bit of interest from a historical viewpoint, and given me a crash course on marbles while posting and researching!
I am satisfied now that there is no massive monetary value to these and will be posting on eBay sometime in the near future. If any of you know of someone who might want these, please let me know.
For the record, I have:
- 1 yellow bag, with the clear plastic bag inside completely heat-sealed, all cat's eyes
- 1 yellow bag, with the clear plastic bag inside stapled shut - there is no evidence of a heat-seal existing previously and I believe the full number of marbles are there, but will inspect further by comparing weights etc. with the other bags, all cat's eyes
- 1 yellow bag, as above with staples, but it has been torn open - I will be able to count the marbles, but obviously this one definitely is no longer "store-new" and is definitely missing some marbles
- 1 green bag, with the clear plastic bag inside completely heat-sealed, all cat's eyes
- 1 green bag, with no plastic bag inside, missing some marbles, all cat's eyes
- 1 red & clear plastic bag, no internal bag, but the way it is tied looks original, as well as the size and weight, but will check more carefully, roughly 50% cat's eyes and 50% greeny-blue glass
You can look back in this topic thread for pictures of all of the above items.
And, one more additional piece of info - a loose price tag, with the part # 236, a "W" for Woolworth or Woolco, and "7/81" which gives us our date! So these are not quite 35 years old (right where Steph had them pegged) - still older than me, though
Thx everyone for helping me out, and all the best with your marble hunting etc.!