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Posts posted by Shellkat

  1. There were a bunch(5/6) more in different colors like red and green. (I really liked the red because it reminded me of peppermint) but hubs gave them to sis because he thought they had value.(from ancient mom memories) This one got missed. But if the thought was Akro I'd let him live with a few others in his color, if I ever figure anything out! Haha.

  2. Yes, I think so. In hand it is orange, and there is also a thin yellow stripe below the Orange and white just before the blue.

    26 minutes ago, Steph said:

    Is that the same spot as the top picture?  If so, that's a chip.  Definite hit mark shape on the top picture.


    The orange color isn't right for oxblood, imho.  Is it orange in hand, or is that a trick of the lighting?  (Oxblood is not uncommon on aqua marbles.)




  3. What is transitional? Something between a slang and a swirl? I've seen that term and not quite sure the meaning. I'm guessing it's about production. Yay, pinch pontil. I'm trying to learn pontils and mine are pretty beat up so it's hard to tell. 

    23 minutes ago, Steph said:

    You for sure have a 9 on the blue one.  I think likely on the amber.


    The blue is what we call a Japanese Transitional.  


    All go with American-made on the amber.

    21 minutes ago, JerryG said:

    Blue one is probably a Japanese transitional. Your one photo looks like it has the required pinch-pontil. Not sure of ages.


  4. Ill have to get better pictures. It's kinda interesting. Could it be oxblood?

    15 minutes ago, Steph said:


    Looks like a slag.  Except that orange stripe.  Don't know what to think about the orange.


  5. So that's likely a hundred year old marble? Wow looks it for sure. Now I'm looking for "9" and I'm posting a few. Much better shape


    5 minutes ago, JerryG said:

    I see a cut line, so I'd say M.F. Christensen.


  6. 36 minutes ago, jeeperman said:

    The loss of the glossy sheen is usually due to ware.

    Makes sense. My collection was well played by husband's grandpa and uncle before his mom only let her kids look but don't touch. Haha. Many are well worn warriors. 

  7. First off, thank you everyone for looking and taking the time to teach me. This one is odd because it doesn't have the wet glossy look as most the blue is very bright and glows and he has a brother or two possibly in my pile. 




  8. I thanks. I think I have some interesting masters sunbursts Ill photo sometime. I liked the description I read about them that said something like if you think they are pretty they they are not sunbursts! More accurately described as "interesting color combinations"  (If I remember correctly)) this one is  pure white although the color is obscured by the photo. The purple black light glow was interesting. What could cause that?

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