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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. I think you got the first one Schmoozer. I jumped the gun. The last one could be a Vacor🔥 RAR
  2. The hand made is from the German side of my family. I only had about 10 marbles at the time when my Great Grandma knew I liked marbles. As before and after this I kept collecting marbles. I don’t understand what “there’s the truth” means as well. I’ll wait to hear what Nantucket can tell me about that one as well🍿🔥 RAR
  3. The white/yellow and red aren’t veneered. That color combo with an active matrix makes me think it’s not a Conqueror🔥 RAR
  4. First one is a Pelt Sunset. Second on could be a Pelt Tiger🍿🍿🍿🍿🔥 RAR
  5. So….Nantucket? Are you in a round about way trying to say I’m not telling the truth on the time line of my marbles? Can you clue me in on what you mean by Time Traveling Jabo ? 🔥 RAR
  6. I don’t get the time traveling Jabo thing🔥
  7. That’s a Vacor Atmosphere 🔥 RAR
  8. Be very careful! My chickens love grasshoppers🔥 RAR
  9. The Crown Jewel. 1969 Minnesota Christmas present. I can’t script this. My Great Grandma who was basically blind called he over and handed me this marble wrapped in TP. The rest is mushy but it’s all because of one marble. 🔥 RAR
  10. She kept all of them. German hand mades passed down to me and and some Benningtons. So I never lost my marbles thanks to my Mom. 🔥 RAR
  11. WOW ! I know how old I was and if I do the math I was 11. I only had about 200-300 marbles from those days. Here a few of them that I have in my original childhood collection in a separate box. I never sorted them out when I got back into collecting. So there ya have it 🔥 RAR
  12. You knew there was more 🔥 RAR
  13. Or…….🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 RAR
  14. It’s one inch ! I’m pretty sure on this one. What about you guys 🔥 RAR
  15. Kinda 7/8ths. Boy Scout? 🔥 RAR
  16. Sometimes busting up marbles like this can still have a little something left in the Matrix I call them crumbs🔥 RAR
  17. Here’s the best I can do with some old handmades. Mica looks like glitter just like it does in nature when it’s pulverized and is mixed in the sand on the river banks out here. Pics are hard to take. You’re not seeing kiln brick or bubbles here. Just flakes of Mica. Hope this helps🔥 RAR
  18. It’s older then a Jabo. One of those I got when I was a kid. Small Kid. Not like the Big Kid I am today 🔥 RAR
  19. Here are some Biscuits and Gravy examples for future reference 🔥 RAR
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