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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Fire1981

    New Game !

    Check this out. My Granddaughter is gonna love this game. And…..probably will kick my Jabo Butt Crack 🔥 RAR
  2. This is my beat up one side by side. The base glass is totally different. Does the opaque base glass date prior to the base glass on the other one 🔥 RAR
  3. When I post a Score here it’s not from finding marbles in the wild . For me it’s an unexpected marble in a trade. This one blew the top of my Pelt Head off 🔥 RAR
  4. Your Wild Finds are absolutely NUTZ 🔥 RAR
  5. Why wait ? Post it now 🔥 RAR
  6. Yep ! I can never get enough bubbles in the matrix 🔥 RAR
  7. Vitro Cosmic Rainbow. Those are HTF in that size. Even VHTF! Nice 🔥 RAR
  8. The Lavender has me thinking it’s a really weird Vitro🍿🍿🍿🔥 RAR
  9. Please tell me it has a seam where the feathering abruptly stops🔥 RAR
  10. WOW ! I’m sticking with CAC 🔥 RAR
  11. She’s cute. That’s a really really nice rack🔥 RAR
  12. It kinda does 🔥 RAR
  13. It’s really weird that a 1910 penny is a magnetic 🔥 RAR
  14. In WW II every 100th Willy’s Jeep had a steel penny welded to the dashboard when it rolled off the line. Obviously the most collectible. My Brother In Law had a WWII Willy’s without a penny on the dashboard. So my Father in Law told me about the history of the penny. He hadn’t seen the jeep. I called Wayne about the story. He already knew about a Penny Jeep. His was trashed. I told him to tell FIL there was a washer on the dashboard and you ground it off during the restore. FIL would grab the electric fence and tell me the horses must have busted a wire. Nice try. My panel shows me the fence is just fine. So game on. We go to Wayne’s shop and he already has it stripped to the bones. He’s doing a total restore. FIL is kinda pissed but won’t show it. But ! We all knew he was really really pissed. He looks at the dashboard and looks at Wayne and shook his head and said “Letting you marry my Daughter was a really stupid mistake” Wayne had taken a dime and welded it to a penny. He put it in the vice and smashed it up and had it laying on the floorboard of the jeep. He found it ! Sorry FIL ! You’ve just been Punked. Priceless ! We finally broke the surly FIL and we finally got hammered. Next time Wayne came over he yanked the coil wire off his truck and put it in his pocket. I’ll try to make this quick. We’re trying to help Wayne get his truck started. You know ! Start with the carburetor and go from there. Wayne’s in the cab pumping the gas pedal and turning the engine over. FIL shuts it down and Wayne gets out of the cab joins us under the hood. He’s obviously frustrated. FIL turns to him and says “ You’ve flooded it “ He said I figured it out. Wayne asks what was wrong. FIL pulls the coil wire out of his pocket and hands it to him and just walks back to the shop. 🤪 So it’s amazing what a penny can lead to when it comes to family 🔥 RAR
  15. No glow 🔥 RAR
  16. I would need to see an example of a Rainbo with the traditional 2 yellow ribbons meeting at the seams. NLR Cub Scout for sure. 🔥 RAR
  17. No ! CAC 🍿🔥 RAR🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
  18. WOW! Looks like the patch is green and the other half is brown/red. Backlight that patch. I wanna see it 🔥 RAR
  19. It might be a dug marble. 🔥 RAR
  20. Vienna Vitro early Conqueror 🔥 RAR
  21. Oh Yeah ! Al !!!! That’s a killer group. Thanks for posting those 🔥 RAR
  22. I think finding any Metallica Pelts is always a big bonus. I think they are harder to find then AVs🔥 RAR
  23. Looks like my mullet back in the day. 🔥 RAR
  24. Or something else ? Any ideas 🔥 RAR
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