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Andy McLaughlin

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  1. Here is a "shimmering" Vacor Camouflage with sparkling green AV that compares to am Alley Shimmering spruce.
  2. I will see if I can find more pics of that Thunderbolt, but that pic has the best view of the red strings of glass to me, it sure seems oxy to me, but will concede that it likely does not fit some official definition of true oxblood. I will include pics too of a Vacor butterfl I call my oxhair butterfly.
  3. I'm curious: Are people on here not into Vacors? Here are some featured in "For the Love of Vacors". Cheers, Andy
  4. Andy McLaughlin here! Greetings from an avid Alaskan Marble Lover. I like ALL marbles, both machine and hand made. But focused primarily on Vacors the past few years in order to make the Vacor ID Book called "For the Love of Vacors"- let me know if interested in getting a copy?
  5. Calling all Vacorians and Marble Collectors seeking a reference book for Vacor Identification. Greetings from Alaska. I am seeking names and contact information of anyone interested in reserving a copy from the upcoming 2nd printing of a book I made for the marble collecting community. It is called, "For the Love of Vacors". It is a hard cover 9"x11" photo and label reference to over 400 named types of Vacors and it includes over 800 color photos. Books are $50+10 in the U.S. or $50+$25 internationally(unless shipping to your country is over $30). If you send me your name and contact information to reserve a copy, then I will put you on the book reservations list and contact you when they become available. Last time it took a few months. After they come in then I will contact you and we can figure out payment (paypal preferred but not required) then send me screen shot of payment and send me your address, and I will send back a photo of your package to ensure correct address then I will send it at my local Post Office. The first printing sold out surprisingly fast, so get in on this limited edition opportunity if it interests you. Cheers, and happy marbling!
  6. I feel new to this forum, as was inspired to sign up by Chad so I could share news of my new Vacor ID Book coming available. I found that I had already been in this group a few years ago but somehow had forgotten, lol. Anyhow, I'm happy to be on here with fellow marble collectors. Cheers! ...anyhow, I am happy to announce the first printing of my book sold out in a flash and has been very well received. I plan to make a separate post about the book for those interested, but here is a pic of the cover of "For the Love of Vacors" and an example page , it has over 400 named types and it has over 800 color photos. I need contact information of those interested in reserving a copy from the next printing. Cost is $50+10 within U.S. and $50+25 internationally if interested.
  7. Wow, okay Pelt flip flop = opposing color ribbons, then same same color ribbons then opposite side opposing color ribbons again that alternated from the positions the 2 opposing colors were the first time?
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