Well, this morning I went out to actively start yet another (yeah I know) hobby... marble collecting! This guy I met who lives out here locally is also a fellow metal detectorist, and when I was online posting to others who metal detect, I said to them "hey does anyone collect marbles when they're metal detecting?" and I got several replies back on that, and quite a few around here do. So, I was invited to join him and three other guys out to an old 1920's dump to go dirt-diggin!
I got to the meeting place around 8:30, and we were at the old dump around 8:45. I dug until around 11:15 and then I had to head home. By that time I'd only found three marbles... BUT....
I've found a whole bunch of old bottles! So I may end up collecting a few of them. I'll probably try to sell them off since that's not my passion. Anyway, two other guys that was out there digging found a few bottles, and I went up and over to another section of the dump with a third guy. When it was time for me to head out, the first two guys had dug up over 100 bottles in their section!
So, it seems like there's a lot more bottles out at that dump then marbles. Oh well. Here's a couple pictures of my finds I got this morning. The of the marbles: red-orange, the light green one at the bottom, and the small blue one on the lower left I'd found. And the other three the guy gave me from his finds. The two things on the right are beads. That plastic thing on the left says Tupperware on it, but I have no clue what that is?? I've never heard of '76 soda before have you?