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Everything posted by boris64

  1. You should shine them… pretty sure you have at lease one glower
  2. Pelt multi colored swirl … love them… amber base glass I think or green… I think they came in three different colors of base glass… maybe more
  3. Gottabe a vacor…????!!!’mm
  4. Woe….nice score….awesome I
  5. Pic 5 purple yellow blue maybe vitro… hopefully the other side is not white
  6. Did you separate the glowers? You may have a glow worm
  7. I see mcr in there…red white blue..love them check base glass green blue clear??pic5
  8. Pretty sure that clear green one will glow brighter than the sun
  9. The aqua slag need looking at also kinda in the midddle left
  10. 3rd pick very top marble looks like a cool cork…. The red and white in same pic with flames looks nice also. You may have a purple and yellow Popeyes in there also. The black base red yellow left needs a pic
  11. I have never bought a marble ebay. I only go for wild finds. I’m telling you guys they are still out there!!!!!
  12. Maybe I put that on top of the Milkys… see how close the ox looks?
  13. Got like that fruit cocktail those…. You don’t get those every day …yellow blue green red clear base and white….5 colors… I think is just insane
  14. I looped it too… oh it’s opaque…. I just think it maybe a rainbow
  15. Yah I always wondered about that one….rainbo? Nlr? What is it.?
  16. Woe! That may be a prize pelt
  17. Yah…. Good ones… take a closer look you may have some good ones
  18. Thanks! Love my marbles…. Love to show them off…love to have them appreciated…. Give all my love to those guys in the early 1900. Just remarkably fantastic skilled people. They left them here for us . I do treasure them.
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