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  1. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here, so hello again. I came to tell you something wild. what are the chances that lil ol me, here in Canada loving on marbles has this happen. I find a lot of things while digging in my yard. Mostly fossils (very cool) from a sea bed that used to cover my area. Now I’m finding old clay marbles in my front flower bed ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  2. Thanks for taking the time 😊
  3. Not super paper light, there's a bit of weight but not like the smaller marble I had posted with it
  4. It's light and why I'm thinking wooden. I'll get close ups but to give you a verbal idea, it's got a look like ceramic crazing without all of the defined crackles. If that makes any sense
  5. I picked up an old lot of marbles. I've identified many but there are a few(especially this one) that have me scratching my Mellon. I've heard of wooden marbles, never had one though. This guy is big. There is a flat spot kind of like the eyes that Benningtons have, which is odd if this is wooden. I've looked up Gutta Perchas but doubt this is one because of the one colour... Unless it's unfinished? Sorry but size comparison is a standard sized marble, and thanks for any help guys
  6. I've been searching for our Canadian history in marble production and nothing. Thankfully I've happened upon this. Could you direct me to any other information on the subject? Where in Canada were marbles made? Any information is very much appreciated, Jessie
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