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Everything posted by Edward

  1. Am not sure that this is Velligas
  2. Really hard to trace these.....help please
  3. Looked for these under Marble king...but certainly not, also tried a german search but came up with zero Help please
  4. Edward

    Akro ?

    Is this an Akro Many thanks
  5. No idea...search Christians and peltier and and and...still no idea Thnaks for looking
  6. Just no idea where to search for these
  7. Would love to know where these belong in the spectrum of marbles Thanky for lookin
  8. Thank you all for your direction
  9. To a novice as i am...this is great...thanks guys!!!
  10. Akroorka...thank you so much with all your kind help.!!
  11. Thanks to all...it helps knowing the green tint belongs to european. Really great
  12. The blue is so badly knoked about but charming. Are these Asians ?
  13. How does the canes touching top and bottom affect the judgment of where they belong. ? Many Many Thanks
  14. I rather like these and have tried to google search as well as Stephs extensive videos...but can make no sense. Help!
  15. I have no idea as its so jolly difficult to see them in Peltiers or Asians or Vacor....so what is the leading thing to look for when judging marbles Many thanks for all th ehelp you guys give....still trying to get my head around most of these
  16. Are these asian or mexico or ?? What comes to mind and what can be seen is all the bubbles and not a clear glass...so where are these pegged to.? Who else made marbles with so many tiny bubbles? Many thanks
  17. Ok perhaps the blue one is a Vacor thunderbolt
  18. Thanks Chad. A question please : i have read up about Peltier banana marbles and seen pics but have not got any idea as to the white feathering they talk about. Do you have a pic to help me distinguish the difference as to what i have posted Many thanks
  19. is this blue one a master marble ? The second one a swirl...i have no idea Many thanks for looking
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