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Everything posted by zakjak

  1. Thanks Cheese and Chad, I appreciate your help and the info. Love the Denim, that helps a lot. I am enthralled with today’s find, can’t imagine it’s not a Heaton. Hope you agree. I’ve noticed many have blue beneath the surface and the little “butt” on the backside in addition to the ears that are often there. This one is pretty beaten but I’m not minding at all. There’s AV/Vitrolite in the backside hole and in several other places. One chunk is 3/16” long. It’s 5/8ths”.
  2. Well I guess three sizes after looking at my pics. I’ve been looking at Heatons too much tonight. Also, is that a Denim in the back row?
  3. I’ve so much appreciated all of your all’s willingness to share your experiences and new found knowledge. I’m very curious about the size range of the Heatons everyone has dug and found. Here’s some of my beauties (possibly at least, hopefully all) that I’ve come across. So far the largest for me is the pink, baby blue and green in the top row (3/4th”) and the smallest is the translucent blue green and brown in front (17/32th”). There seems to be four basic sizes (as shown by the rows) and I’m just really curious how big Heatons can get. Also, I’ve kind of noticed that the fold on opaque Heatons can look like CACs, unless I’ve identified them wrong. I’ve bought a couple of handfuls of dug Heatons that have helped a lot.
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