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About SherryFain

  • Birthday May 25

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    Cumming, GA

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  1. My grandmas been gone for about 10 years and these were given to me this week. It’s been a while since I’ve been involved with marbles so I hope you can help a lady out. These three caught my eye even though they’re probably abundant. Any help is appreciated.
  2. I hate to see them go.. honestly. They’re precious little works of art to me. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll follow through with selling and I’m now eyeballing furniture. 😆
  3. I’m considering selling my entire collection, but before I do I’d like some opinions on how to get them safely where they need to go. Is it even possible to ship a lot of marbles? Or should I restrict to pick up only? I imagine the weight alone would be pricey to ship. Anyway, please let me know your thoughts. I don’t think I have the energy to sell one by one. thanks Sherry
  4. Pretty cool!!! Thanks so much for the explanation!! 😊
  5. I really like this one.. I’m not sure if it’s rare or anything but it’s on my keeper shelf for sure! Thanks for your help with the ID. I’ll research it tomorrow.
  6. Any help or history would be amazing. Thank you
  7. Pm me your address.. I’ll send it to you 😊
  8. ❤️ a keeper!? I love that!
  9. Thank you! That’s awesome!
  10. Not a lot of bubbles as far as I can tell. It is difficult to see..
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