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Everything posted by mresso

  1. Hi Folks, I just found this board and it sounded interesting to browse. I am an avid JABO/DAS collector and love to learn as much as I can about identifying marbles that I can't quite categorize. I do sell a bit on eBay and getting an accurate description with run date and interesting trivia about the run is a big part of the fun. I never stop learning and appreciate everyone's advice. A bit of trivia about me...I am one of those people that can truthfully say that I "Lost All My Marbles". I live in CA and lost our home in the 2017 Tubbs fire. We're all fine and dandy now, but all my previous JABOs all returned to heaven...lol. Of course, I started recollecting again immediately and we are back to normal (as normal as things get). I look forward to meeting more folks who enjoy our marble hobby as much as I do Best Regards, Mike
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