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Dave 13

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Dave 13 last won the day on July 30

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  1. As I understand it, there has never been any red glass recovered from the MFC site, other than oxblood. So, despite claims in early marble books, most collectors believe that MFC did not ever make red transparent. The red ones that have a pattern like yours (which resembles MFC for sure) are usually considered to be Akro, with a smaller chance of being CAC. This paragraph is from Roger ⬆️ nice Slags
  2. Happy MK Monday cool display of bumblebee 🐝 William Nice mibs Melissa
  3. I agree that’s a wild looking Mib Nice bunch of Mibs William
  4. Nice marble 👍 it would sure hurt to drop that big boy on your toes
  5. Nice Group of mibs Ric I think this one looks wild with the copper colour
  6. For my Sundays best , my best pelt with space junk
  7. Hi Ric I just put it under the light the ribbons do glow a little orange couldn’t get a good pic but here is one
  8. Nice group of bricks 🧱 Tommy Thx Ric couple Saturdays ago you sure posted some Alleys that got some wild patterns and colours
  9. Here’s a brick 🧱 with some dirt still on it
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