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  1. poetsgarden


    Wonderful entertainment Steph. I have resident sparrows that I just love to watch. Feed them about four times a day and they stay on my back porch all winter. Best wishes .....Joe McDonough
  2. Thanks Tommy, my life is very simple, I walk with Jesus and live for Goodness and Kindness and Love. I do not partake of todays world of greed and getting over on the next person. I share what I can when I can. Joe McDonough
  3. For my gardening friends, a hopeful sign appeared in the garden today. We have been covered with 1/4 inch of ice and temperatures around 0-20 for many days. This morning at least a dozen tulips broke ground, never this early that I can recall. Perhaps we can have an early spring this Year.....Joe McDonough "To Myself" We can ease the pain and sorrow that comes with yesterday by creating beauty in the garden when tomorrow becomes today! Joseph Patrick McDonough February 1, 2022
  4. Akroorka, I do not have space for trees. I only have space for what I have space for! Although I have 200 million years old trees to show the visitors to my garden I do not have trees of today. Trees are amazing and wonderful but my purpose is to teach children about food, real food, not quickie mart stuff! therefore I grow real food for my neighbors. They can watch it grow and learn how it grows and they can pick it fresh from the plant or vine and most importantly EAT IT! Tasting such wonderful fruits and vegetables awakens their minds to amazing possibilities. What are they missing in the world, how can they experience more and better? How can they grow these wonderful things themselves and share them with others. We need to teach and share and give to others. In my poem entitled " What it is to be a poet" I write this line, " Pull the words from the deepest sanctums of you soul, And Give!" Instead of taking all we can for ourselves, "GIVE".....Joe McDonough
  5. Hi William, the thing about gardening that is most important to me is the "Creation" of the beauty and goodness that comes from having a garden. The world is full of destructive forces now and destructive beings, anything creative and good is to me a blessing. I wish you great growing and harvest.....Joe McDonough
  6. Thanks Steph if you would like a copy send me your address and i will send a hard copy to you. I believe i have sent a few poems to you before. Akroorka, you are a palindrome besides a gardener and tree lover, My trees are 200 million years old in my garden. I truly hope your trees last that long. The only greens I grow are Herbs. My garden is geared to my neighbors picking and learning about real food and where it comes from. Many only eat from mini-markets, hence junk food. I do my best to provide tomatoes peppers carrots beans peas etc for them. Gardening is my life now at 73 and i Hope I can go for many more years. Best wishes to all.....Joe McDonough
  7. For my fellow gardeners William and Steph I thought you might like this poem.... "Living" Nature does not die in the Darkness It lives well and thrives out of sight! I am a part of Nature I too shall live well and thrive out of sight Nature and I await the end of Darkness And the Rising of the Light Joseph Patrick McDonough 1,25,2021
  8. Thanks Sami, great to hear from you. Hope Mike is doing well! Have you found out any new information on the marbles i sent to you and Mike? Best wishes.....Joe McDonough William Glad to meet a fellow mini farmer. I started the garden when I turned 69, this will be my fifth season. I am a scrounger always asking for free stuff to grow the garden. Currently I am getting beautiful green 5 gallon buckets with lids from Chick fil a. If you need buckets check out your local Chick fil a. They sell for about $12.00 on line so this is a money saver for me.
  9. Mibcapper, there are only about 30 of those that I have either given away,sold or donated. To my knowledge I have all the rest that exist.....Joe McDonough
  10. For anyone who will be in the Wilkes Barre area, I have 8 handmade solid wood marbles display boards to give away for free. Each board holds 100 marbles and they are stackable. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to one and all. Joe McDonough
  11. Hi Erik, nice to meet you, just talked to another Eric, my son.....Joe McDonough
  12. Ain't they sweet!!!!!!!!!.....Joe McDonough
  13. Hawkeye, Steph was kind enough to post a photo of some of my original discovery with the original flyer. Check it out when you have time.....Joe McDonough
  14. Steph the key to any garden is to grow "SOIL". If you do that the soil will grow the food.....Joe
  15. Thanks Steph, you are an angel from heaven! Since I retired I have dedicated myself to growing food and flowers for anyone that needs or wants them. I am growing on more than 600 square feet of garden space and will expand that this spring. My flowers are exotic tulips, asian lillies, azaleas and giant german Iris and zinnias. My vegetables are 8 different varieties of peppers, 8 different varieties of tomatoes, two types of cucumbers, two types of carrots, two types of peas, two types of onions and two types of radish. This will be my 5th spring garden and I can't wait to get started. I am currently growing green beans and peas in my house. The theme of the garden is "Goodness and Kindness and Love" Everybody and anybody is welcome to pick fresh vegetables and the flowers are saved for the children. Best wishes and much blessings to you and yours.....Joe McDonough
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