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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. Would anyone be able to identify these two marbles for me? Thank you in advance!
  2. Can someone help identify these two peewee marbles? Thanks in advance!
  3. Leigh


    Yeah, I figured with it not being all metal on the bottom that it wasn't pre-1960. Shame it wasn't filled with Akro Popeyes when I bought it!
  4. Leigh


    I'm not sure if it's okay to ask this here as it's not really for a marble ID, but is marble related. I bought this Popeye vending machine a few weeks ago at a thrift store. I'm thinking of selling it, but am not sure what year it might be from (the top is glass and metal, but the bottom base is a very heavy plastic). Does anyone know the year for this and if they are hard to find? I see one on Worthpoint, but I'm not a member there.
  5. Thank you! I think I just found it in the JABO Ace Collection.
  6. Could someone please identify this marble for me? Thank you!
  7. Two more for identification! As always, thank you!
  8. Any thoughts on the ID of these two marbles? Thank you again!
  9. Hoping to get some identification/info on these four marbles. Thanks again - you guys are awesome! I believe some of them are Peltier, but want to be sure so that I can categorize them properly.
  10. For the Vitro Tiger Eye - is it type 2?
  11. Yes, I found the humor in it and thank you! Trying to identify marbles can be quite a daunting task. I'm sure it will get better, but definitely not that easy!
  12. I feel awful asking for all of these ID's, but am not very good at it yet myself. So, am hoping for a couple of more ID's for these two marbles. Thanks!
  13. Would anyone be able to help identify these two marbles for me? Thanks in advance!
  14. Wondering if I did well with this purchase. I had one bad purchase with a bunch of JABO's being passed as something else and am hoping this lot brings me some luck. I know they will all need a good cleaning, but does anyone see anything that might be interesting or good? He took some photos from different angles in the box, but there were 91 marbles in all.
  15. I'm hoping that someone can identify these two marbles for me. Thanks in advance...
  16. Wondering if this is a Vitro and, if so, which name and, if not, which brand of marble is it? Thanks in advance.
  17. Thanks! I'm horrible at id'ng marbles - so much to learn! Here is a photo of them on a blacklit flashlight - one with flash and one without.
  18. I got these two marbles on the mail today (ebay purchase) with what appears to be mostly Akro marbles. Are these two slags, and is the second one vaseline? The photos are mostly with flash and two of them are without flash.
  19. Hoping someone can help with the identification of these three marbles. I'm thinking the middle and last one are Vitro's, but not sure which kind and am unsure about the first marble. Any help would be appreciated.
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