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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. Thanks! I see the sparkles too, so I think there is aventurine in it. It's a hard marble to photograph for some reason.
  2. Hoping for help identifying this marble. Thanks again!!
  3. Leigh


    I found this marble amongst a bunch of clay Bennington's and noticed it was a bit different. Would this be a mica marble?
  4. Is the one on the right a Peltier and the one on the left a messed up Akro corkscrew?
  5. Leigh


    It's probably blasphemy putting a cats eye on here, but am wondering if this one would be a Master or because they all look so much alike that it's too hard to figure it out. It's just a pretty one and I'd like to sort it correctly, if I can.
  6. I'm guessing this is a peewee Peltier, but I've been wrong so many times that I'd like to hear what others think! Thanks again...
  7. Thanks for the link. His looks a bit more red to me as mine is really orange, so I am just not sure. I guess it will go in my pile of marbles that I have no idea about!
  8. Thank you! I think you may be right!
  9. I'm guessing Master on this marble, but am not sure and am hoping someone else can confirm or let me know what it is...
  10. Hoping someone can ID this marble for me. As always, thank you!!
  11. Here are a few more marbles that I am hoping for assistance with in identifying them. Thanks in advance!
  12. Hoping for some ID assistance on these three marbles. Thank you!
  13. Is this a JABO? If not, does anyone have any idea what it is? It's a large, shooter-size marble.
  14. Hoping someone can help with identifying this marble....
  15. Thanks, the Superboy and Christmas tree are my first two "named" marbles!
  16. Would anyone be able to help identify these four marbles, please?
  17. Would anyone be able to identify this marble? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hoping for an ID for this marble! Thanks in advance!
  19. Thanks, I bought a group of marbles in a buy-it-now on Ebay for pretty cheap and these Pelt's were in there.
  20. Hi Chad, here are a few more shots of the last marble...I hope they help with an ID.
  21. I used a blacklight and that is the only one that glowed under it.
  22. Sorry to ask for more help, but am wondering about the ID of these marbles. The one on the right might be different than the others as it's the only one that glows. Thanks again everyone!
  23. Wondering if this is a Prize Name or corkscrew marble?
  24. Any help with identifying these two marbles will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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