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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. Here are some taken with better light. I hope it helps with ID'ng it!
  2. A Red Zebra or just a regular Pelt, or not a Pelt at all??
  3. I think I have a match to this marble. Did anyone determine what it is?
  4. Sorry to bombard this page for ID's,, but I'm still unsure with so much. Would anyone be able to identify these four? Thank you!
  5. Thanks! I changed the topic to reflect it's three Pelts.
  6. Three Pelts?... please let me know if I'm wrong! Thanks in advance!
  7. I don't even have a guess on this one that I got 8n the mail today! Would love to know the maker as it's a really nice looking marble. The second photo is with a backlight.
  8. Leigh

    Marble King?

    That was my first guess, but then I thought the seams were too straight for it to be Vitro. ID'ng marbles is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is not easy!
  9. I'm guessing Marble King - some kind of rainbow...any thoughts on its maker?
  10. Would anyone be able to ID this marble for me?
  11. Stumped on this one, so hoping someone else can identify...
  12. Thanks! I like it even more now!
  13. Thanks! That's good to know
  14. I'm guessing Peltier, but would appreciate other's opinions... thanks!
  15. Hoping for help with identifying this marble...
  16. This might be a better photo of the base glass
  17. It's very hard to tell because of the reflections of the colored glass, but this is the best photo I could get of the base glass. I may be able to get a better photo outside in the daytime.
  18. After I posted this, I found another marble that matches the one on the right. I am hoping these photos can help identify the other marble as they are most likely from the same run.
  19. This is in poor condition, but is this a Peltier Blue Colorado?
  20. I am wondering if the one on the left is an Asian or not and the one on the right I am guessing is a Peltier, but hoping for other's opinions.
  21. I'm thinking the middle one is Vitro, but have no idea on the first and last one. Any help will be very much appreciated!
  22. Thank you! I appreciate your opinion!
  23. Hop8ng for ID help with this little beauty! Thanks...
  24. Would you be able to tell if it's oxblood? It looks it to me, but since the base color of the marble is blue, it doesn't stand out as much. I added a few more photos.
  25. Hoping someone can identify this marble? Thanks in advance!
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