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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. I didn't want to post this on the marble ID site because 1. I know it's a Vitro and 2. I feel like I'm posting too much on that page. That being said, I was going to sell a bunch of these Vitro's because I have so many of them, but I don't know how to name them. On a FB page, someone said they were HTF, but didn't give a name for them. The ones with the lavender on them are slightly larger than the ones with red on them. Does anyone else have this particular Vitro or know the name of them?
  2. I believe this is a Vitro Blue Devil. It's shooter size. I thought at first they were kind of on the rare size, but two on ebay didn't sell and one was $9.99. It's a beautiful marble though.
  3. Are these Vitro's? If so, is there a name for what kind of Vitro they are? Are all three of them considered shooters? The first one is .96 and the other two are .85. Thanks again, all!
  4. JABO's always throw me off!
  5. I think these could either be modern Asian, Vitro, CAC, or Alley... please help! Gorgeous marbles, but really not sure of the maker or if they are Asian ones.
  6. I think the one on the right is a Peltier (not positive though), but completely unsure about the one on the left. Thank you!
  7. Hoping to get identification help for these two marbles. I'm guessing the first is a Peltier and the second one a newer marble maybe. Thanks in advance for any opinions/thoughts.
  8. Thank you so much! Very helpful information!!
  9. I've never been to a marble show as I just started collecting this year. I noticed that the Northeast Marble show is in Meriden, CT in October of this year. I live in Connecticut, so this is very convenient. Why they pick Meriden though is beyond me, but that's another story. That being said, I am wondering if people generally get good deals when purchasing at a Marble show. Also, are the marbles already priced to sell and can you haggle a bit?
  10. Thank you for the explanation. The Furnace marbles are beautiful! I definitely will be looking to add one to my collection!
  11. I don't have many Popeyes, but would have a hard time parting with any of them. I think I may just start to keep the really good stuff that I have and sell the rest or the stuff that really doesn't do anything for me - like Vitro Patches or just a regular Akro Corkscrew. It truly is an addiction though - when I'm on the phone with people they can always hear me playing around the marbles and can tell that I'm totally distracted. Oh well... many more worse addictions out there!
  12. Thanks! I am debating on whether I should just keep one of each kind and then sell the other to help pay for this addiction of mine! I thought it would be great to collect marbles because they are so small and wouldn't take up too much room, but nothing could be further from the truth!
  13. That's a gorgeous marble!!! Lucky you for having it!
  14. Leigh

    Girl Scouts?

    Okay - gotcha! The two on the right are Pelt's though - would they be considered Girl Scouts?
  15. I must admit the Pelt on the right is a beautiful one - the photos don't really do it justice!
  16. Leigh

    Girl Scouts?

    You think mine aren't Pelt's or just not Pelt Girl Scouts?
  17. So, what is so special about this marble that 13 people are watching it and it's up to $22.50 so far? I have a few of the same marble. I thin it's the same, but the photos are so bad on the listing that I can't be sure. Here's the listing: https://www.ebay.com/itm/394199613020?hash=item5bc820be5c:g:BnoAAOSw~1pi9wrC These photos are of two of the ones that I have - are they the same marble?
  18. Thanks for pointing that out! They should let you delete posts (like the one I made about this marble) when you post something stupid! LOL
  19. Sorry, feeling a little stupid right now as I thought it was smaller than it really is. Most of my Popeyes are in the .70 range and this one is .61 which doesn't make it a peewee. I had it with my Popeyes, so it appeared much smaller.
  20. I just noticed this little guy with my marbles. I haven't seen many corkscrews this small. That being said would what name would be given to this corkscrew. I know it's not a Popeye, so it just a two color prize name?
  21. Thank you for catching that! In the garbage it goes!
  22. I believe I had these ID'd before where I was told that they were Pelt's, but would either the first two or second two be considered Peltier Girl Scouts? Thanks again!
  23. I'm trying my best to identify these marbles myself, but would like the opinion of others as I'm been wrong more than I've been right. Is the first an Alley Swirl, the second an Akro Prize Name, the third an Akro of some sort (or maybe a Vitro?) and the last maybe a Champion Furnace?
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