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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. I think I just found the answer to my own question. On a forum page about the Blue Colorado's it appears that they are supposed to have a clear base and not tinted. I think what's confusing is that the photo on the Peltier Identification page looks like they have a tinted base (appears that way to me).
  2. These were in the marbles that I received today and I am wondering if they would be considered Blue Colorado Peltier's. I think the colors are correct based on the Peltier Identification web page, but I can't find any other sources for a Blue Colorado.
  3. Would appreciate help identifying the two peewee's and what types of Corks the two Akro's are - my guess is Prize Names?
  4. Hoping for some help identifying these two marbles. I am guessing the second one might be Peltier, but am completely unsure. Any help will be much appreciated!
  5. Hoping for some help identifying these two marbles. Thank you!
  6. Would all three of these be considered Akro Lifesaver Corkscrews? I'm especially wondering about the one in the middle as it doesn't go all the way around like a normal corkscrew. That's not oxblood on the first one, correct? Thanks again, everyone!
  7. I'm a little confused by this one as under a blacklight it fluoresces (sp?) green and yellow. I also am unsure if the blue stripe going around it would be called blue oxblood. Thanks in advance for any help on this one!
  8. Would these be considered Akro Corkscrews? Thanks!
  9. Why would that be (regarding Art)? Also, I forgot to post a photo with the size - so here it is!
  10. Would this be a yellow CAC slag? It looks like it to me, but have been wrong a lot, so am looking for the opinion of others. The last photo is under a blacklight and the two before that are under a flashlight. Thanks!
  11. Thank you! I almost feel like I'm dyslexic when it comes to the seams on some of these marbles!
  12. Hoping for just two more identifications. Thank you!
  13. Based off of the seams, I'm wondering if these are Vitro's... thanks!
  14. I'm starting to get confused with these ones. My guess would be Vitro's for the first two and then Akro for the third and Peltier for the last one, but they are all starting to look the same to me - which they all may be the same maker - I just can't tell. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  15. Just wondering if there are any other thoughts on this one? It is definitely pistachio colored and has a black swirl, and it does glow, but doesn't look at all like any of the Alley Pistachio's that I've found online. Can I safely say it's an Alley Pistachio or did any other marble manufacturers make pistachio colored marbles that glow?
  16. Thanks - I will have to post it on the German Marble FB page and see what they think. I had another person say German and I thought they were way off base, but now you and Tommy below your comment says German - consensus is German.
  17. Would you know what the middle one is?
  18. Thanks - I wouldn't have known about the Tiger Eye - I just did a Google search to see them and I think you're right!
  19. No pop with UV on the middle one!
  20. My guess is the first is Master, second maybe Akro?? and the third Master.... and since I know I'd be asked if they glow - the last photo is them with a blacklight on them
  21. Hoping for ID on these three marbles. I thought maybe Master on the first and second one, but not sure! Thanks...
  22. To be honest with you, I'll probably never figure out the one on the left and because you've been such a huge help to me on this forum, I'd be happy to gift that marble to you. Maybe if it's in your hands, you'll be able to figure it out - or not!
  23. Hoping to get assistance identifying these two marbles. Thanks again for all of your help!
  24. I circled it in this photo, so I guess it's definitely an Alley Pistachio then as it definitely glows.
  25. I should have added this photo of it under a blacklight!
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