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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. This is the page where I found the info on the bi-color snake. What do you think? I could be wrong. https://www.peltiermarbles.info/akroagatemarbles
  2. I posted one just like this about a week or so ago:
  3. Any thoughts on who the maker for this marble could be?
  4. Any thoughts on whether or not these are Alley's?
  5. Here is the measurement of the marble.. .
  6. No, those photos weren't under a blacklight. Here are two more photos..the second one is under a blacklight and the first one isn't.
  7. This might be one of my best finds yet.... oxblood and lavender! Is this also a WV swirl? Is this a rare color combination?
  8. How strange is that?? I guess it's not too rare of a marble! I have another oxblood that I am going to post that I think may be a WV swirl, but it is even cooler (I think).
  9. Just got this marble today and am hoping someone can identify the maker.... thanks again to all of you for your help!
  10. Thank you for leading me in the right direction. I think you may be right. I just found this marble on a WV Swirl site for Alley's and the marble looks similar...although, I think mine is a bit prettier - almost looks like a flower on mine https://www.westvirginiaswirls.com/translucent?lightbox=dataItem-kecyoapl
  11. I'm stumped on this one and any help will be appreciated! It measures .58
  12. I think it's a WV swirl, but would anyone know the maker?
  13. Would anyone be able to identify this marble for me? Based on the colors, I put it with my Pelts, but am unsure. Thanks again!
  14. Can't wait to get them and sort them! I have two other lots coming also. I'm so jealous of people that find others selling buckets of them. I think I need to start going to tag and estate sales.
  15. I just bought this lot of marbles and should have them next week. I'm just wondering if the two large slags in there seem extra large to others or if it's just me. They seemed larger than just a regular shooter marble. If, by chance, they are larger than a regular shooter, does anyone know who made larger slags like these?
  16. Hoping for some help identifying this marble. I'm torn between Peltier and Vitro...or maybe it's something completely different??
  17. At first I thought it was a slag, but realized it's a swirl...I checked various makers and can't place who might have made this marble. Any thoughts?
  18. Thank you - very informative! Here is the size in case it helps anyone
  19. Am I right that this a Blue Eggyolk Limeade Akro? I'm unsure about the Limeade part. Thanks again!
  20. Leigh

    Four for ID

    Hmmmm... wondering now if the first one might be CAC and not Alley. I will see if anyone else has any thoughts on them.
  21. Would anyone be able to identify these four marbles? I thought Alley for the first and then Akro for the second, but really am not sure.
  22. Would anyone be able to identify this marble for me? My guess is CAC, but my guesses have been wrong a lot! Thanks again for all of your help!
  23. Interesting because it was with a handful of Vitro Shooters when I received it.
  24. Hoping for help with identifying this marble... Thanks again!
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