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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. Thank you! It's good to be back to it again. I just noticed this other marble that was in the same bunch that I got and it looks to be from the same run. Maybe it will give a clue to whether or not they're Pelts.
  2. Took a break from the marble world for a couple of months, but am back and hoping for help with identifying this marble. The last photo is the marble backlit with a flashlight!
  3. Looking for some assistance with identifying these marbles! Thank you all again!
  4. Hoping for confirmation if the first is an Akro Snake, the middle a Tri-color Corkscrew (or Two-color Prize Name?), and the third a Peltier Rainbo?? Thanks for any help/info!
  5. Hoping for ID assistance with this marble. It measures .69 Thank you again!
  6. Could I please have assistance ID'ng these two marbles, please? Thanks in advance!
  7. Leigh


    I believe this is a German St. Joseph's Coat - at least that is what I was told on a FB page, but I am wondering if some of the larger red stripe would be considered oxblood. There was one person who thought it could be an onionskin. Any opinions are appreciated!
  8. I know there are a lot of marbles in the photos, but I think they are all the same maker (they were all together and appear the same). I tried to do some research and on the Marble Allen page it looks like the closest match would be Jabo-Vitro or maybe that's the same as just saying Jabo?? -not sure. Would love confirmation if they are or aren't Jabo. Thanks!
  9. Hoping for some ID assistance. I think the first two might be Alley's and the third maybe a Jabo-Vitro??? Any other opinions/thoughts are appreciated!
  10. If you scroll down on this page, do you think it looks like shale? https://www.marblecollecting.com/marble-reference/online-marble-id-guide/agate-and-other-mineral/
  11. Glad you were able to identify that it's a Freemason emblem for him! I tried to do a little bit of research on it last night and I thought it might be because of the star on it, but was really unsure. I couldn't find much on an L. Matthey, but there was a French artist that went by that name - only could find one print from him and nothing else.
  12. Does it say something where I circled? Isn't that some kind of ruler? I feel like an idiot because I forgot the name of that kind of ruler. I think Freemason's had "stars" like what's on the front of the marble as some kind of symbol.
  13. Hey Ben, I don't want to ask any personal information, but it might help to know the year your grandfather was born (his age) and what town/state he lived in while he was obtaining the marbles. Just curious... what type of engineer are you? My boyfriend is a Robotics Engineer and I work for an engineering software company where we do software for Water/Bridges/Highway, etc., etc....
  14. Thanks...here are a few more photos that might help. I thought that might be from the same maker, but have no idea.
  15. Hey Ben, this is Sherri from FB. I am the one that recommended this page. I try to be covert on forums, so use my middle name on here (Leigh), but I am the same person. I'm glad you joined here. I just looked at the FB photos of that marble by L. Matthey. I have a feeling it has something to do with Freemasons. I have to do more research though! So interesting....
  16. Any thoughts on these two shooters? I thought maybe Akro or Vitro, but really unsure. Thanks again, everyone!
  17. I received these two marbles today. I believe they are clambroth's, but would they be considered transparent clambroth's? Also, someone on FB said that the green one was kind of rare and I'm wondering if there's something about that one that would make it more rare. I haven't cleaned them yet, so they are a little dirty. The green one is in much better condition than the pink one. Thanks in advance for any info on these!
  18. Thank you! The one on the left is actually quite nice, so glad to hear that it's a Pelt. And you are right about the reddish tint not being in the marble. I wasn't sure what the pollution was so that information is also helpful!
  19. Would anyone be able to identify these two marbles for me? Thanks in advance!
  20. Thank you! The larger onionskin is in pretty good condition and the one that I believe is a submarine is also in great condition. I think those are the two that would have the most value. I haven't researched these too much yet.
  21. I inadvertently started collecting these German's and haven't gotten around to cleaning them. They came with other groups of marbles that I bought and therefore, I wasn't really looking for condition on them. I really do need to clean them - haven't gotten around to it yet. I am finding a bit of a passion for German's though - each one is a like a little work of art.
  22. What a beautiful marble. It reminds of an ocean wave and a surf board! I didn't know the man or deal with him (I'm a newbie here), but my sincere condolences to his family and friends.
  23. Thanks! Here is the measurement I get on it.
  24. Thanks! I was going to auction half of them off on FB, but wasn't sure how to list them and if they really were HTF. I don't want to misrepresent something.
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