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Everything posted by Leigh

  1. Any help ID'ng these three would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Hoping for help ID'ng these three marbles...
  3. Leigh


    Thanks - I am pretty confident that they're Cairo - especially the larger one. They have a similar look to JABO, so it gets a bit confusing!
  4. Leigh


    I had a photo posted a few days ago of the larger marble shown in this photo and someone thought JABO, but when i researched some other marbles that were with this larger one, they definitely appear to be Cairo. When I looked at Cairo marbles under Joe Marbles site, I saw one that looked Ike the larger one am wondering now if it's Cairo and not JABO. The last photo is under a blacklight where it makes the orange on them neon. Any thoughts on Cairo vs JABO?
  5. Leigh

    German Slag?

    The larger is in poor condition, but these were in the same group as these purple ones. I can't figure these out either.
  6. Leigh

    German Slag?

    This photo on Joe's Marble's made me think MFC - https://marbleconnection.com/joemarbles/1Marble Picture Pages/15MFChristensen/MF Christensen 001/1 MF Christensen Large Pages/M.F. Christensen %26 Son 1-09.html
  7. Leigh

    German Slag?

    I could be wrong, but they really do all look the same to me and they were in the same jar (hence, the rust on them).
  8. Leigh

    German Slag?

    Thanks - the amber/brown is some rust. I am going to see if I can remove it off of them somehow. They all seem to match and were together, so I think they all must be purple MFC slags.
  9. These marbles were in a group I purchased off of eBay that had a couple of German's in there. These aren't in the best shape as they rusted a bit because of the jar they were in. My first question is whether or not these are German and secondly, what is the best way to remove rust from a marble? I'd like to at least clean them up as well I can. Also, what color would these be considered - seems like an extremely dark purple, but am wondering if there is a name for the color of this glass.
  10. Hoping for help with identifying these two marbles! Thanks again everyone!
  11. Does anyone have any idea about the maker or age of this marble? It was with a bunch of pretty old slags and German's. Thanks!
  12. Would anyone be able to identify this marble for me? Thanks in advance!
  13. I have this one that matches it. It seemed like a dark oxblood to me, but it won't ne the first time that I'm wrong!
  14. Leigh


    Is this a Peltier? The last photo is under a black light.
  15. Would this marble be considered Silver Oxblood?
  16. I think these are Master, but would love confirmation of it. The one on the left is .56 and the one on the right is .62.
  17. Thanks... You'd never know I have a Canon R5, a Canon R7 and numerous expensive Canon lenses, but when it comes to taking photos of my marbles, it just seems like a huge pain to use anything other than my phone, and even then I have been pretty lazy with trying to get better lighting... I am working on it though
  18. I'm guessing JABO on these, but since I'm wrong more times than I'm right lately, I thought I'd ask what others thought...
  19. Wondering if these are JABO or Peltier? I posted this on3 earlier, but photos weren't very good. In the meantime, I found two other matching marbles, so they may help with identifying.
  20. The one on the left is .56 and the one on the right is .61
  21. I'm wondering if anyone can identify these two marbles. I'm guessing JABO, but really am unsure.
  22. Wondering if this would be considered an Akro Corkscrew?
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