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Everything posted by chicagocyclist

  1. I am liking these comments: "Why do you think my hair is gone ? I still have hazy days," Are they a local thing? I am guess at their meaning but I wanna be sure so I can use it! : "Why do you think my hair is gone?" means you have lost all ability at understanding what I am saying??
  2. Perfect, great illustration. My head is cleared. I totally get it and it makes total sense...thanks for everyone's patience and help! As always.
  3. Cool! Great details. Moving day for me! Thanks!
  4. Nothing meant! You have always been very honest and very helpful!!! A quickly worded post...nothing meant but my own head scratch...
  5. The ones I have similar to this I have in my general West Virginia Swirl (WVS) group.
  6. Feeling that way to me.
  7. Got it!! (edited) I can clearly see those as Ravens and the blue and the green, and then it goes increasingly hazy. Thanks!!
  8. Yeow. Those dug ones sure widen the field! (edited by author)
  9. I'm leaning definitely to Peltier Peerless Patch.
  10. Not seeing Ravens, but I've been off base recently on Ravens. Jabo?
  11. Not seeing a Red Raven and I don't know what a Red Rose is.
  12. Hmmm. Looks like there's some history here....
  13. Yes, it is a shame to lose a hybrid. Maybe the surface was really bad or had chips or something.
  14. For sure, but I had to allow myself some reckless excitement. Yes, it definitely is a blob on the outside, without a doubt. And thank goodness, I'd hate to have to try to buy one like that. But a nice fake.
  15. Oh, Ron!!! Wow, you just can pull them top-shelfers out of the air oooooh, man!! If that's fake, I want a dozen tomorrow. As that's real, I want two dozen!! You can still drive the wagons. Oxblood Popeyes, oh no!! I just put it on my what's next list!!
  16. Yes, you do! I forgot to add that I have four 3/4!
  17. I have a 21/32 and a 23/32, which are amazing, one pictured here...!
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