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Everything posted by chicagocyclist

  1. Didn't think that Popeye Patches were 1"
  2. My mushy brain agrees with yours!
  3. Thank you for the explanation it's always nice to have some and make sure. I'm a nice guy but I'm kind of intense and that can come off as bossy or opinionated or arrogant or all sorts of things but you get to know me and it's intensity! Your long responses pretty much what I was hinting at with my all too short response, so I'm in agreement that that's what I've heard and understand it to be. Next time, let's make sure we connect. I will be at Decatur in a few weeks so see you there?? Ric is the same name that my friend uses for his name Ricardo, so that'll help me remember you in person!
  4. Ric, I know how these posts can sound. It takes a lot of extra energy to type things like "Wow. That is surprising! I didn't know that. Any idea why?" I try, cause that is the way I talk. Otherwise things can sound sharp, so thanks for your clarification. I am surely here to learn and do make some rookie ID errors. I got that photo from a post I was in about that same question. The end result was that it was not known why there are clearly All Reds in there and then All Reds separately. As I recall, there are original All Reds labeled bags with what we would call Yellow Jackets right in there. It was suggested that they just filled ordered as they could and didn't worry. The bottom line for collectors as it didn't really matter as it would not change their minimal dollar worth, still minimal. Altho I wish sellers knew of their minimal value as I collect the Yellow Jackets with the aqua equator band, and I surely am paying more than minimal value!
  5. Steph, thanks for pulling my wagon out of the muddy ditch!!! ๐Ÿคจ Saving that photo.
  6. I'm elated with the correct info. It seems so easy with such good visual backup. Thanks.
  7. lol!! Yeah I meant Yellow Jackets. I have a Yellow Jacket poster that shows All Reds in with them and I got my words flip-flop thanks! But now I retract my statement completely.
  8. 1, 3 kind of looking Vitro to me with those seams. 3 - Master? It's hard to see the detail of how the colors approach the seams. And 4, I would like to see all four sides to see what that patch is doing or is it a lazy corkscrew.
  9. 2, 3, 4 look like ....(comment removed by author as incorrectly posted). 1 looks Akro. As a comment, the last photo were the two marbles are actually not overlapping each other I think the way you should shoot all of your stuff. It is kind of distracting to try to be looking at one marble one while another marble is obscuring part. You certainly have room in the frame for an extra quarter inch separation!!!
  10. I thought I posted Jabo, so doin' it now.
  11. L to R, I'm thinking Vitro, Vitro, Akro.
  12. ...have been declared the most beautiful ones that I have by my wife. And that's pretty amazing because the two on the left were gifts and the two on the right, I don't think they cost 10 bucks for both!!
  13. Good luck on your recovery. I've had that surgery and it can go well. And you've got amazing amount of mibd to keep you preoccupied, which is key! Wow!!
  14. Yup. And not enough cake-like. I usually feel like I want to eat the shortcakes!
  15. I was thinking Jabo, too.
  16. Thanks for the info on that type. Had not heard it applied to Indian blankets and it is an incompatibility of the glass coefficiency, that is what I have heard, as well.
  17. I agree newbies beware. I'm grateful I've learned stuff because when I see things I would be easily taken if I didn't know.
  18. I swear I see some fractures in one of the shots, actually is it several of them, but I'd have to verify if that was accurate or not before I pay 71 bucks for it.
  19. Well stated. If it's a Master or a oddball Akro but they're both only worth a buck and it doesn't matter so much. I'm not putting on a display to museum where I'm going to be judged by my accuracy. It can be close and close as good enough!
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