My hand was shaking when I went to type JABO, so I didn't but I really wanted to. Both the pattern and the color. Sometimes you gotta trust your first instinct!
To me, 1 and 2 are Snakes and 3 is an Auger but I can't really see down the middle of the third mib.
I've also heard those names used interchangeably.
I'm still trying to sort this out. An Auger has the spirals coming outward from a solid center. In a Snake, you can see through the middle and the spirals are toward the outside edge of the marble. And that makes sense to me because an auger has a center rod with spirals attached to it and a snake can coil around the outside of a basket and leave the center open! I'm hoping this will spark clarity in this topic.
This is an area that I am really interested, so this is good. The bottom grouping definitely looks like Akro Oxblood to me, if my brain is properly engaged this early. That top one Alley but then again with oxblood it can be tricky to tell it by photographs. The base glass appears to be different as well in the original post.
I was thinking how similar it was similar to Akro Snake or Auger, so I would put with Akros. When everything else is ruled out, what is the truth, regardless of how bizarre! A lesson I'm trying to learn!
I'M temped! LOL. They should post the price reduction history! hahaha. Yes, it's quite a drop. I can understand searching for the highest market price but this is a pretty bizarre search pattern!!