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Everything posted by chicagocyclist

  1. My burgeoning knowledge would say group one is and #3 in group 2. I would guess the others are too by their similar characteristics.
  2. I agree! Everything that we've bought we felt that we are holding on to it and preserving it for the future, as well as enjoying it so that's double bonus! Most of the stuff we have is older than me or about the same age. Hahaha! My oldest is a metronome from France 1838 and then my second oldest is a music book from 1882.
  3. Agreed, all Akro Corkscrews.
  4. I'd go with Virto Tri-light as well, one of my favorites. I grabbed a quick shot of mine and left a few with the white so you could see how similar they are to yours.
  5. Haha!! I have a house full of things that I have owned longer than you're alive!! It's actually from the 1930s so it's even older than me!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it and it was all of 50 cents for crying out loud!! Yes, it was exceedingly rare and nowadays almost impossible.
  6. I realized they closed that store in 1981, which means I've had this ashtray for 41 years!!! ...and is it has spent every day out in the open where we can easily see it!
  7. They all look non-US made to me and modern, so am I able to assist.
  8. The third picture has me thinking again that it might be, so I'm going to say might be!
  9. I've joined Alley, no oxblood. I finally did what I should have done initially, which is to get up and go look at mine!
  10. Photographing marbles as a difficult thing without a lot of practice! I'm going back and forth on this one! This is when photographs are really a hindrance!
  11. I'm getting definite oxblood vibes from this one and I'd be guessing Akro.
  12. Agree #1 is Type 1 Tiger Eye. 2nd looks like it was played with heavy, how cool! and then someone tried to polish it! WVS
  13. Here is my absolute black pressed glass ashtray. It was purchased from the Goldblatts Executive Offices on South State Street, Chicago clearance sale when they closed that store.
  14. Really excellent information here! Thanks, Ron! That is so cool that you work there for sure especially when they were still making Carnival Glass, among my favorite of the art glass! I have created a link to this topic in the archives.
  15. Excellent information on Fenton Glass and its relationship to marlke making, most specifically JABO. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/32549-tealpurples/
  16. Comic books were in color!! That's original... we can go back before had his red S !
  17. Suble Stunner.... is that like Led Zeppelin and Iron Butterfly???
  18. Yes it is bewildering to see how far Superman marbles has gone from the blue base with red and yellow clothing of the actual Superman!!
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