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Everything posted by chicagocyclist

  1. Thanks. I'm passing on the ID tip that I got to help distinguish the two! I added to it a tiny bit from my own experience in using it. It is such a good tip; I shall never forget it.
  2. Agree, just crop them with a square. Below, I used the gray background. natural light and a front flash. Photo Collage, a phone app, to easily make group of 4. if I were set up for black it would be even better.
  3. More images, including really clear views of the seams, please.
  4. I agree with the volume. It's difficult to follow which comments for which one, hard to remember what they all are by the time you get to the bottom. Then there's new photos of them and you don't know which ones the photos of and so it does get confusing. I tend to just stay away... when I'd rather type to help!!!
  5. Peltier Rainbo today, all day long. I don't know who's been posting under my name lately!!!
  6. Have you reviewed a few of the excellent Stephen Bahr videos on YouTube and he uses black backgrounds for all of the marbles. Upon reviewing all of the options above I've decided that I like the best is black, if one is going to go through the effort of changing it. Then there's only the marble to look at and no interaction between colors, as can sometime occur.
  7. x2 with Chad. L/R foreign cats, Pelt Rainbo middle.
  8. I think it's more why they're not Ravenswood. The swirls are nicely intertwining and very complex but Ravenswood swirls are more like sewn through the marble, diving down into the marble. coming out the other side and going back again. Often Ravenswoods are less busy than Alleys and these are pretty busy. so in the end, if they're not Ravenswood and they're looking like this then they're Alleys.
  9. Nice ones. The white poles tell you that they're Type 1. No white would be Type 2. Translucent white around the center would be Type 3 and an opaque white band around the equator would be Type 4s.
  10. I like the two darker gray. They allow the marble to pop nicely. It also looks like you're cutting out the marble image with a mask cutter. I've done that and yes, it takes a lot of time. It also makes the marble look weird sometimes.
  11. Gosh, I thought the black background was really helpful! Way better than that busy one.
  12. That is really awesome!! JABO did some really nice stuff that you really need to know to ID properly, wow! I would never have put JABO here. Cool!
  13. From this one angle, those are looking like Vitro Conquerors to me.... "Color patch on top, clear transparent base with white covering the the rest of the marble."
  14. I thought I dreamed I voted Akro Slag on this one!
  15. Thanks for the memory jog, Ron! I realize the oldest thing in my house is a small Egyptian faience ushabti ca. 350 BC. Like I said, it's easy to buy something old.
  16. That's pretty darn cool, wow!! That it's been in your family's possession all this time, that is amazing!! It's super easy to buy something old...you just buy it but to have something continuously owned, you can't make that happen. It either is or isn't!
  17. I am often guilty of the same thing, having the light reflection right where you need to see the seams. That's why lighting from 10:00 and 2:00 really works the best. Agree that's tricky to do.
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