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  1. I found this old post and would like to share some photos. I have No. 1 of 100 of BIG BLUE III and numerous others including personalized marbles to my grandpa from "Brownie". I have quite a few from Robert Brown. My grandfather was good friends with him and I'm trying to learn more about him. He is mentioned in Greenburg's Guide To Marbles (hardcover 1994) if this helps anyone else that may find this.
  2. So, I know this is an old post, but I cannot find this book unless it's over $100. I'm wondering if anyone has a good condition used copy they would be willing to sell for a much lower price? I know this is a long shot, but doesn't hurt to ask!
  3. I thought if the oxblood was over blue it was a blueblood? Just from what I've read, keep in mind I'm under 2 weeks into marbles.
  4. I just wanted to also update everyone that I had several reputable sources say this is an Akro Oxblood Patch marble and not a Blue Oxblood. Also, I really enjoy reading the stories and seeing all of the photos! These are stories that will now forever be heard and help future like-minded marble goers. Thank you all for sharing and helping me!
  5. So, I found the marble that was mentioned in the letter from Dennis Webb I posted before. I happen to have No. 1 of 100 made. What a great feeling to know my grandpa was good friends with Robert A. Brown!
  6. Here's one I can't seem to ID. Let me know your opinions!
  7. Thank you for the helpful advice and photos! Definitely helps me understand better.
  8. Yes, that helps a lot. I can see why it's not a CAC now! Some people are saying it needs to have 4 flame tips to be considered a flame. Not sure on that.
  9. I'm assuming you are both referring to the color of the oxblood that looks like Akro's. Do you have any advice or examples to help me spot the difference between the different company's oxblood color if so?
  10. Are there any "tips" 😁 you can give me on spotting the difference between CAC or Alley marbles like one?
  11. The tips seem to almost dissappear into the marble. Not sure what else it'd be with my limited knowledge at this point in the hobby.
  12. I'm not sure which company made this one, but it appears to be a Swirl Flame. I believe either CAC or Alley based on my research, but not sure the best way to tell. Does anybody know and/or can help with how to tell the difference?
  13. I believe this to be a Akro Agate Blue Oxblood marble. Can anyone confirm this or let me know if it's something else? I can't find my caliper to measure still, but this is a "normal" size.
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