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Everything posted by VibesFromAVeterinaryNurse

  1. They're made with uranium oxide, and it's contained within the glass matrix. Almost all Alpha radiation, which drops off after a few inches and cannot penetrate clothes, skin, etc. I have much spicier things than these. 😁
  2. I beg to differ, they are in fact spicy. I literally just took this reading of my collection of these custard glass marbles sitting in a glass cup. Not as hot as my radium pocketwatches, but far above background. 4000cpm or 9.9uSV/hr of mostly Alpha. Background here is 19-20CPM. These are not made with depleted uranium oxide like modern UV marbles. I also never said anything about it harming me? I collect vintage radioactive items, I'm well familiar with Alpha, Beta, and Gamma radiation and the differences. I also know Fisher made trays with other types, I was specifically asking about the custard glass marbles and the manufacturer.
  3. I believe them to be Vitro given that they were used in Art Fisher's jewel trays (see the one I just bought), but just wondering if anyone else made them? They are uranium glass like other Vitro and Akro agate items of the same color and time period (like these table lighters I have), relatively spicy with the Geiger counter so definitely pre-50's. Any ideas?
  4. Oh my, that custard glass one! I need that! LOL
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