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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. Thanks. That was my guess as well.
  2. These all came in the same lot so I’m assuming they are all newer marble king? Pretty boring
  3. Nice!! I’ve never seen that one before. Is that a patriot in your avatar?
  4. Melissa

    3 Jabo?

    All 3/4”. The right flows under uv.
  5. The orange and cream glows under uv.
  6. I knew it wasn’t calligraphy but likely alley.
  7. My guess is jabo. Neat looking marble
  8. Melissa


    Thank you! These are really neat ones I don’t have yet.
  9. Thanks. Definitely a keeper. I don’t have any like it. I got this one in the group too and I’m thinking it’s related?
  10. I received the marble today. Unfortunately it is pretty banged up.
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