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Everything posted by chocomibs

  1. Thanks! So the colors in the bands still count as one band ?
  2. I love vacor, they don't get enough love imo. They have a huge variety of colors and patterns with their runs. It's probably because it's shooter sized some of the gray stretched
  3. I had one and didn't know what it was and sold it :x regrets regrets regrets
  4. This was unexpected, and Im in love. Thanks for the suggestion
  5. That would explain the off-white base then! Thank you
  6. Yeah your right the first is an alley. Second looks like a pelt that didn't quite make it. 5th/ 7th look Heaton with that horsehair Swirling
  7. The pattern is there, but the base color seems off
  8. A Burnt Spidey technically
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