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Madcap Laughs

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Everything posted by Madcap Laughs

  1. Thank you. I did not think you were but I don't know those people- glad you brought them up!
  2. I hope you are not insinuating that I am involved somehow with this? I am just asking for a friend.
  3. Okay. I posting on behalf of someone who said she bought them from someone whose uncle, who has passed, dug them from somewhere in SC. I certainly thank you all for verifying! I will relay this to her. Have an awesome day!
  4. Hi. These were dug mibs, according to the person I am posting on behalf of. Are they Christensen? THESE ARE THE ONLY PHOTOS SHE WOULD SEND ME. Thank you!
  5. Thank you! I had a feeling the purple ones were flintes based upon a simple Google search, and sort of assumed the rest might be as well but did not want to to tell her that. Everyone on here is so much more knowledgeable than I could ever be! I will relay this to her and have her examine them as you have instructed. Thanks again!
  6. And yes, I have already IDd the mibs in the final photo. I was simply showing what else they were found with. Would you like multiple angles of each of the solid marbles? If they are too difficult to make a guess on without a lot of fuss, I will just tell her so. My guess on the purple was Akro but just a guess.
  7. I will ask her for more photos. I had asked for more but this is all I got. Thanks!
  8. Hello! A friend approached me with a decent quantity of the marbles in the attached photos and is asking for ID on them. They were found with the mibs attached. Dug in Clarksville WV (she thinks). Any thoughts? She has 1" blue also.
  9. I cannot offer any input here, but this is the coolest mib I've ever seen.
  10. I am trying so hard...I just read the seam guides and they made sense...until they didn't. Now I am frustrated. I have what I thought were Masters but am now not sure and am looking to sell and not look like a fool. Are these Masters? I will only put the end pics...TIA to all of you!!
  11. Hihi! Is one or are both of these an Alley bloody sky or blue sky or ??? something else? One is turquoise (.62") other is blue (.62") Thank you!
  12. Oh, no intent to buy here. Just trying to gather as much info as I can. Guy says I would not know about THIS kind of marble bc he only deals with "high end" clients. Haha. Look at his MARKETPLACE profile where he is selling it lol and he deals in sports cards, overpriced Murano glass and this one mib. Thank you for the advice. Some story!
  13. Don't know where else to post this. The ad speaks for itself. Been going rounds with this guy who says he deals with "higher end" customers who would know the true value of these marbles. For final clarification, would someone please not mind explaining about these marbles, since the multiple sources I have given him are all wrong and his "records" show their worth because they are "antique" and "handmade". He's saying the "marks" on it are from when the person made them. TIA
  14. Hi Mojo. I'm not familiar with that at all. What is it? Ty!
  15. Do you know what it is? I want to sell it.
  16. Bought Masters and this came with them, not a Master. Was told it was a Vitro with a rare color combo. Was then told it was foreign. Can someone please help me with this one? Is it a Vitro with a htf color combo? Thanks! I was hoping to sell it.
  17. My bad! Just looked at my receipt for it and it did say $45. The guy who sold if it to me is very cool
  18. Thanks for your input. I do not know why I'm struggling with this concept atm when it did not perplex me so before. Lol.
  19. Just got into collecting Masters and started out getting mibs from friends for around $5-$6 each...Now that I am a little further more into things, I'm definitely noticing the high prices (Speaking on ebay and from other sellers). What is the general price range for a Master mib? I know that sounds like a very basic question. How do I find out the worth of these marbles? For instance, is this a $35.00 marble? I know that worth can be relative, but how do sellers come up with these prices?
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