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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. CharlieT


    I don't know half what Wvron and you other folks know about vintage marbles. But if you ask me, they all look fake! God bless yall 🙏
  2. Bottom 2 look like vaseline mibs. Sweet indeed
  3. Yeah nothing like those huh. But still cool mibs huh.... your and ours.
  4. I have a few of that same blue glass and I've never definitively figured out there maker. I thought maybe peltier blue Surfers or lagoons. But these guys on here know far more then I ever will. Awesome mibs though
  5. I love that blue glass. ♥
  6. CharlieT


    Maybe possibly a Cairo or a Jackson in there?
  7. What constitutes a boulder?
  8. Roger that. Looks kinda oxbloody though....kinda. idk
  9. The plain white one is just to better see the color of the others.
  10. There all uv reactive except the very bottom right one.
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