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Everything posted by CharlieT

  1. CharlieT


    .642 I was told this is a CAC when I bought it. But idk. The ribbons are kinda reminiscent of a snoddy....but idk probably not. Thanks 🙏
  2. It's gorgeous! I've got some very similar to that one. Now I know who made them. Very cool. Thank you
  3. CharlieT

    2 for ID

    Maybe the top one is a Kokomo! Maybe not. Staying tuned.
  4. Reminds me of this one but reversed
  5. I would guess pelt. But it would be just that....a guess. Very cool mib though
  6. Unfamiliar with drizzle swirls. This is the only 3 we have. Very cool mibs
  7. Kinda crazy, I was getting ready to share one very similar to this one. Very cool marble friend
  8. CharlieT


    Beautiful Alleys!
  9. It has transparent red and green. I'll try to backlight it for a better look
  10. I could be wrong, but I think these 2 are from the same maker as the red & yellow one. Very similar in size and type glass.
  11. CharlieT


    .53 inches. Not quite a peewee
  12. I was thinking maybe an Akro oxblood. Because of how the swirl color looks....like blood. Just darker than any akro oxblood I've ever seen.
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