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eric L

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  1. Look out! I'm not getting in your way! lol. After watching youtube videos of collections, I needed to lie down.
  2. Great topic and timely. Not sure if there is a resurgence in the marble hobby or it has always been. Watching Mr. Bahr's video got me interested in the hobby. I don't expect to acquire that many marbles. I want for the eye-appeal. I like Jabo and Mega's. I do have one's that are described by ebay sellers as Akro, Peltier Vitro maybe? If the price and condition are right then I will buy the "maybes".
  3. I just bought a few Tac knives on ebay. I like Mega Marbles and Jabo's. Just not everyone. I'm not a completist.
  4. I use the rabbit hole term as of late. I hope your son was sleeping when you threw and pulled them out. lol. I started in mid-Feb of this yr. I buy/bid eye-appeal marbles. I like some of those Jabo's and Mega narbles. I have 4 books. Seems like the hobby has an older group like stamps and coins. The younger crowd goes for Pokemon collectible card games. Big money in Magic cards.
  5. Good morning, Sounds counter=productive to buying and selling that you liked. Wouldn't you grow attached to those items? I have a bad habit of getting rid of something and buying it back yrs. later. I couldn't tell you how many times I did that with books. Maybe that I'm in my early 60's I won't do that. Nope, I re-bought a few books on rocks and minerals.
  6. No! don't jump at the expensive one's until you get the eye-appealing one's like Jabo's that are affordable. You might burn out. I started in mid-Feb. Yeah, you are right re. one's that look nice under the right light and then you bid or buy and get it in the mail and it's meh. Keep a flashlight handy too or look at them in the kitchen light. If I can walk around with a bright light, I'd have more dates for the weekend.
  7. Someone else from Pittsburgh? I'm in the Sq Hill area.
  8. You fell in love and fell down the rabbit hole. Welcome to the club! 😄
  9. Totally agree! I like some of those Jabos with aventurine and oxblood. I like Mega Marbles. I know they aren't rare but hey I'm out to please me. I let some of the ebay sellers know I'm new and they sometimes include an extra marble. If it doesn't fit in my collection, I place it in a mason jar.
  10. I remember my dad saying, the item is only worth what someone is willing to pay. I stopped selling to dealers (in re baseball cards). My brother will get my stuff and I will beyond caring. re. marbles, I collect what is eye-appealing like some Jabos and Mega Marbles and certain color combination(s). I don't chase on ebay. I rarely buy anything over $15. That being said, after a month and change of collecting, I have marbles that I enjoy looking at in the kitchen when I make my espresso in the morning. They are contained in plastic organizers.
  11. Hi, Consider me a me too! Michaels Craft store has decent plastic compartment organizers by the brand Simply Tidy. ebay has plastic organizers. I get the 15 compartment one's. Caveat: the shooter marbles won't fit. If you go to Michaels, take along a shooter marble. You can always purchase their mason jars for the one's that don't appeal in your collection but don't want to throw out. I call those the red-headed stepchild.
  12. Thank you! I was looking at some of my recent Jabo marbles.
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