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Everything posted by jx0612

  1. Hi, I need some help IDing these marbles. Thank you. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you for any help.
  2. Thank you all and akroorka thats great to know
  3. Hi, Can anyone help identify these marbles? Thank you. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you again.
  4. thank you all the Christmas tree is actually really nice change of pace from my other Peltiers which are mainly patches.
  5. Hi, Can someone help me ID these marbles? MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you for any help!
  6. Marble 2 has really had a tough life but its one of my favorites. Thank you all for naming it.
  7. Hi, Can someone help identifying these marbles? Thank you. MARBLE #1 MARBLE #2 MARBLE #3 Thank you for any help!
  8. Thank you all and for naming them when you can the St. Mary's Alley is really nice in hand
  9. Hi, If anyone can give me some information on these marbles I'd greatly appreciate it. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you again!
  10. Thank you and for helping with the dates.
  11. Hi Steph and Akroorka don't know if it helps but came from my Grandfather who was born in 1917 . So far all of the ones I put up have come back as a mixture of Master,Vitro,Akro and Peltier
  12. Thank you again thats great to know .I feel like at this point I can only get corkscrews right and occasionally a patch or two and Masters which are some of the nicest looking marbles I have , thankfully I have learned alot from here and All about Marbles
  13. sorry forgot the importance in size they are all approximately 5/8
  14. Hi, If any has any knowledge as to what these marbles are I'd appreciate it. Thank you. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Any information is appreciated!
  15. Hi, If anyone can help with figuring out what these marbles are I'd appreciate it. Thank you. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you again.
  16. Thank you both Im trying, my best guess was Vitro which I am happy to be right second I had no clue but the third I thought Master or Marble King but now I see the seams dont make sense. I will say it is a really nice marble when I look at it in my hand . Thank you all for the help.
  17. Hi, There's a couple marbles that I'd love to know about if anyone can tell me what they are I'd appreciate it. Thank you for any help! MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Thank you again!
  18. Thank you Steph it has a few wounds on it but I still like it alot.
  19. Hi can any help me with figuring out what marbles these are? Couple of new ones I found sorting through my family's collection. MARBLE A MARBLE B MARBLE C Any help is appreciated thank you!
  20. could the last one be a peerless patch?
  21. rows 3 and 5 are beautiful . I think I have 1 or 2 Peltiers myself there just different, love them.
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