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  1. Old fortune cookie slip I've had tacked up forever. "If you have to be a worm be a glow worm" ID help please Is the blue one Cairo Novelty?
  2. Shoot. I suppose this should have went into the restoration threads.
  3. I have a LOT of stupid questions, and as to not throw them all at you at once, I thought I'd space them out. Here's a few. Along with a couple attachments. How strong or delicate are marbles, I'm sure this varies. If you had a shoebox full of marbles, and dumped them into a new shoebox carelessly is it likely or unlikely some would chip? If you had a drinking glass full of marbles and carefully poured them out, is it likely or unlikely some would chip? I'm also wondering as to restoration, I posted a picture of 2 marbles, 1 picture of what appears to be more of a veneer. Other (2pics) just looks painted (looks like someone took a hacksaw to it) I know these are unrepairable, I'm talking more about tiny tiny pits. Like VERY tiny specs. Can those be removed from some marbles without ruining the color?
  4. I actually took my 2 "moonies" I don't know what they are, they're pretty basic looking, nothing like that, and just put a little polishing compound in my hand and worked them for maybe 20 seconds a piece and I was shocked how much they cleaned up
  5. But of everything I've seen posted here, so far to me that's the coolest looking marble to me, we all have our own tastes iIm sure. That looks awesome though.
  6. Thanks fire for IDing 2 extra ones That Leighton/Navare is great, love those marbles with that mooniness. I have never been OCD about anything in my life, but I may have just found the first thing, the elongated part towards to pontil, Ive watched the handmade process so I get it is that way. But that actually is driving me crazy. Absolutely beautiful though. I am going to have to get over this... as I'm sure ill see more of these, and If I ever want to own something as cool as this. Its weird cause I usually like anything that showcases craftsmanship authenticity. I think folds creases and pontils and all that stuff look cool, I guess I just like roundness. Is it common to see that in the handmades?
  7. Ok now I feel silly, I just game across a video after posting this saying akro is the only company that makes corkscrews? So it's an akro?
  8. There is a certain flatness and dullness to this marble, almost non-relective maybe just weathered? I have tons of beat up marbles but they still shine, not this one. To show its lack of reflectivity I placed it in one picture next to some others with that milky or foggy tone, forgive me I don't know the terms yet. Any ID thoughts? Side note: This marble is not as vibrant orange as it looks in all the pictures on my lifesaver stand lol That lamp tends to make things look extremely vibrant. The photo of it grouped in the iphone box is more accurate in terms of color
  9. All of those look the same on the other pole, they remind me of astronaut helmets.
  10. Ok that is a little bit better, I don't know why the images were so compressed the first time.
  11. Some pictures. Not the best pictures, but at least not as concentrated, maybe easier to see. Left mostly all of the translucents in bags, Clearies left in the jar, and a lot of the opaque shooters I left in a box. The rest I took little grouped pictures of on the cloth, and sorted them the way I perceive them similar. The photos of the smaller groupings, I could not really place. I supposed they're a little bit different from the majority in color or design. A few Ric and Akroorka have already ID'd, they are in the photos, other than the Marble King Patch and Ribbon TRI-colors. Those are in a bag. Enjoy, and please speak up if anything stands out to you Sorry, edited this, pictures were horrible going to try to get better ones.
  12. Thats awesome, love the lime green tree reflection too!
  13. Thanks for the thoughts! Its helpful for getting started. I've spent the majority of my last 4 days looking at my marbles, watching videos, treading this forum and other websites. My eyes hurt from backlighting marbles, I need a UV light now... I think I have a problem, hah! I cannot even explain how much more my eyes are seeing in these marbles. I had them all grouped in mostly color schemes, and at first they all looked the same in these groups. Just different sizes Now the colors and patterns and variants are starting to stand out, its really fascinating. I've got the impression watching videos and forums people are not so interested in the "clearies" I find them fascinating, not so much the ones that just get brighter when backlit and just have tiny bubbles. But I really like these ones that appear black till you backlight them, then they have a base color with some swirl look, amazing! More pictures later probably, I cant stop! :)
  14. Oh, forgot this one, just a handful of more interesting ones to me.
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