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  1. .68" not sure ifs it's a Master now after all the euro marble posts. Amazing base glass when back lit.
  2. Canada never made glass marbles . I wish we did. Early Vacor turtles look like this too. Here's a bag of vacors to show color . Pretty sure they're all vacor.
  3. Exactly what I've been thinking re the transitionals. I'm trying to line up the colors on the machine mades with red to the transitionals. The blues greens etc are perfect the red seems off though, I have a stash of Asians to sort to find the red. Canada wasn't effected by trade during the wars . My hunch is since we didn't make glass marbles the flow didn't stop. I find german handmades and Japanese marbles together a lot. I mainly scour antique stores etc.
  4. .68" vaseline glass I'm assuming. Doesn't fit with anything I have.
  5. I think these may fall into the Japanese marbles. I've been sorting similar ones all day yesterday and today. Have a look at the recent posts of Seike marbles this was a game changer for me after I studied it. Just my opinion I'm relearning everything.
  6. Nice lot a great variety and I think you have most of the colors they used . Took me years to peice mine together.
  7. Canadian sourced. I purchased a multi thousand lot of vintage Asian made glass. So many questions with them came up. I can spot azuma fairly easy and there were much fewer. I even started thinking some of the patches were vacor imports? Still possible hard to know for sure. You've created a another problem I need to find them and sort now . Lol! Thanks for the post too.
  8. Here's a few of my favorites. 5/8s my guess is ravenswood dark blue one has a tracer its hard to see.
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