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davesnothere last won the day on December 20

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  1. Saturday's swirls and slags submission. A few of my top shelf swirls.
  2. Merry Xmas All! Closest I have to a xmas marble but I do have a fantasy bag
  3. Only for learning with. Mosty Vacor or Vacor for Asian distribution very common ones.
  4. Wow lovely group is the the black and white 8 finger opaque because that's a killer.
  5. Hard to tell but best guess older asian the half moon hits show up a lot on these and dark purple is common. Looks black till backlit I call it Burple.
  6. Not that I think it is but I'm finding a lot of error vacors like this , what makes me look harder is crystal clear glass with small amounts of bubbles whispy threads on the surface the one photo shows a near horse shoe design another factor. Lastly is that wrinkly looking glass. These seem to occur to me as tuneup marbles , getting the temp dialed in and the start of new glass.
  7. And a very merry Xmas to you. what are they pelt xmas trees and a santa?
  8. Thanks they do look kinda cool matching like that.
  9. Alan your reply is most excellent thank you! I'll defiantly put this out of my head now. I started with german mibs machine mades are a new hobby for me , plus the bad info that's picked up on the net especially bad ebay listing's lol.
  10. Came together. 63 and .62 for size. Always thought Akro but there is cadmium in the yellow which makes me cringe makes me think modern . Thanks for any info I'm in the middle of sorting patches. No more wvs to sort thankfully
  11. Thanks I do have another that's similar the apple green is killer.
  12. No one has any guests on this one? Is it a slag maybe ?
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