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  1. Glows like a marble king . A shooter I took from a 160s package. See how the outside gets the orange . Not something you ever see on a german . Doesn't matter anyways. My opinion will mean shit anyways
  2. Reviving this thread. 3/4 it's been ID as german but I'm not convinced as it has a crazy uv reaction like the CAC orange glows
  3. Never and I'm constantly in antique shops. Intrigued.. Bet they're furniture leg coasters.
  4. Another Saturday .. Champion I've seen this called a Babys Blanket . Second is ravenswood Blue Raven? Third one is beat up bad . Champion furnace maybe?
  5. Just read these this morning hyped news but yea the steelie correlation is 😁
  6. That's outstanding . Looking forward to the article. What are the giants on the bottom shelf are they paperweights or?
  7. I'm setting the record straight. This is an imperial mIb 100% I have 3 now well I had tossed them in with the junk pile. Fugly . I want to thank everyone that jumped on the bandwagon and called it a vacor because it's easy or just fun to belittle other people for entertainment. Dave was here. It's an emperial.
  8. That is pretty clean all my sulphides look they been in battle.
  9. Peltier here also . Maybe citrus family need more opinions on that.
  10. I go between them both , it's nice for a change of scenery. The mib Looks like a shooter size to me. The glass looks old if that's correct I would lean Alley it looks a bit like a coral. The way the construction is looks Jabo. Just my opinion. Cheers
  11. Thanks Chuck. I went through my examples and I'm in agreement with everyone that it's an early Japanese made. Very cool it's a bit a different base color .
  12. A freind and antique dealer I know well .passed away this weekend. I visited him pretty much every weekend he always brought me some new Mibs. This weekend there were several peltier shooters waiting for me. I'll always treasure these and God bless his soul. Rip Buddy!
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