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Sortitallout last won the day on December 15

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  1. Agree with TheNickelGuy, US postal not international.
  2. So very true. It’s a community of learning, enjoyment and fostering relationships through a common interest. Of course we donated - we wouldn’t want the fun to end 🥳!
  3. We think this would be fun - we’re in (but don’t laugh at us ‘cause we’re not experts)!
  4. Yeah, that’s cool. The science behind it matters. This one is particularly eye catching.
  5. I looked at the seams, each seem to be different from each other, the first one has a wonky seam and the last one on right is obviously different- .60, .61, .64, .63 Thank you!
  6. Looks to be a factory defect on a M F Christensen? 3/4” Thank you
  7. Oh by type I’m referring to a lapidary sphere maker and typically rose Quartz, amethyst, moss agate . . .
  8. What company used this color scheme? It’s more like a soft green not limey. .59 Many thanks!
  9. Is this one about the same? It does not have the crust. .67
  10. Are these type more special than the natural stone spheres commonly made?
  11. Rather unique, not seen another - .62 you!
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