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Sortitallout last won the day on December 15 2024

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  1. Marbles from Schmoozer Christmas in January!
  2. Yes, 1st one Vacor. After looking further we do have some more and noticed the top area are similar on some Vacor. Marble lingo = fold? Thanks for the feedback!
  3. Not seasoned yet, may stray from actual swirls. 😁
  4. Click on the link the seller is still there 1 1/2 yrs later.
  5. Let us know if any aren’t swirls and what they actually are and company to study.
  6. This is a stunner. Any thoughts on style and ID? .56
  7. Any brands y’all could name would be great. Many marbles to try remember all names so we refresh our brains looking at the posts. Thank you in advance. .64
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