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TheVacorFan last won the day on January 1

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  1. Awesome posts... Quite a bit going on since my last visit...
  2. The voices...don't let them win 🤣
  3. Cool swirls, good coverage, nice colours with a natural surface... What's not to love?
  4. Spotted several nice things... A cool Akro -ade of some sort, some nice MKs and quite a bunch of lovely All-Reds (I like All-Reds, I think they look like candy)
  5. Congrats! Do you know the YT-channel named "Jelle's Marble Runs"? I think a collaboration would be awesome
  6. BTW, that AV on the 4th one is absolutely glorious!
  7. Awww, they're so tiny and cute Are they 16mm (5/8")?
  8. Wow, so many! In the last pictures, there are some I've never seen before, super cool!
  9. Here's one I have... I think it's German or Bohemian. Anyway, it's beautiful
  10. Congrats on the most American birthday one could have
  11. For this Slags & Swirls Saturday, I'll post some dug Heatons. Got them gifted to me by some amazing marble-friends this week Enjoy!
  12. That 2nd one has probably played 1000s of games... Definitely used for it's intended purpose!
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